Alpha Mu Gamma: Foreign Language National Honor Society
The Theta Iota Chapter of the Foreign Language National Honor Society, Alpha Mu Gamma, is in the process of enrolling new members. Requirements are the following: a) for full membership, two consecutive A’s or A-‘s in language courses (in the same language) at the Composition and Conversation (311-312) level or above; b) for associate membership, two consecutive B+’s or better in language courses (in the same language) at the Composition and Conversation (311-312) level or above, or a noteworthy academic record in more than one language. Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. All applications are individually screened. Only completed semester grades are considered. Application forms are available from the Department Secretary, 301 O’Hara Hall, as well as from
The induction ceremony and luncheon will take place in The DeNaples Center 405 on Thursday, April 19, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Inductees will receive their certificates of membership and society pins; graduating seniors will receive their gold honor cords.
Deadline for applications and payment of fee: Wednesday, March 21, 2018. The membership fee of $65.00 includes the luncheon. Applications without fees will not be considered. Please make checks (cash accepted also) to the University of Scranton and drop off completed applications at O’Hara 301.