Desert Experience Retreat Popularity Soars
Since winning the JASPA Award last year for Outstanding Campus Program or Initiative, Campus Ministries' "A Desert Experience Retreat" in Death Valley National Park grew substantially this past December. Over 75 students signed up for and participated in the Contemplation-based retreat, which prompted Campus Ministries to offer the experience twice (back to back) after Fall Semester exams ended.
"Although it was a logistics challenge," commented campus minister Fred Mercadante, "both retreats went really well, and I have every reason to believe that its popularity will continue to grow."
Next year, A Desert Experience will be offered once after fall exams and once during Spring Break and will be limited to 20 students per retreat in order to more easily coordinate the logistics.
"Who knows," joked Mercadante, "If the retreat keeps getting more popular, maybe I'll eventually just set up shop out there and run the retreat for a different group of students every week!"