MC Presents: A Social Justice Get Together
The Multicultural Center would like to cordially invite you to join us next Saturday, April 28 from 1 p.m.- 5 p.m. in DeNaples 4th floor.
Given that we were not able to do our Identity Development Retreat last weekend, we still would like to offer the presentations, and space for conversations and reflection on our topics chosen for this year.
Our mission statement: Following the mission of our Identity Development Retreat, by offering a Social Justice Get Together we seek to is to provide University of Scranton students a reflective experience through intersectionality, focusing on the principles of culture, prejudice, equality, and human dignity. This get together will draw on these principles to prepare you as a future leader in our global society.
When: Saturday, April 28
Where: 4th Floor DeNaples
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Snacks and drinks will be available during our get together followed by a light dinner and refreshments at the end of the event in TDC 405.
For more information or topic suggestions, please contact the Cross Cultural Centers at