Staff, Faculty, Students: General Recital, Wed. April 4, 7:30
We hope you might be able to join us on Wednesday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m. in Houlihan McLean Center for our semesterly General Recital, which was re-scheduled due to a snow day before Easter.
A handful of the students who had long planned and prepared to perform on the original date are unable to participate on the new date, so other students have generously jumped in and scrambled to learn the music to fill the openings in the program and in a few of the small ensembles so that those from the original roster who can still participate with the date change will be able to publicly perform the pieces they have worked on this semester.
It will be a little bit of a fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants event but should be an enjoyable and varied evening, and it would be great if they had a little bit of an audience in spite of the re-scheduling.