A Day in the Life of a Small Business Intern
Anna Layaou ’18, a senior KSOM marketing major, has participated in multiple internships, including two offered through the Small Business Internship Initiative, a program created by The University of Scranton Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Layaou interned in Marketing and Communications at The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce and served as an Advertising and Public Relations Intern at Condron Media. We were lucky enough to get the chance to ask Layaou a few questions about her experience with Condron Media, a local small business.
Describe your tasks and responsibilities:
At Condron Media, I did a lot of research and reading for clients in order to help with campaigns and content. I worked with the Condron Media team daily, including web developers, graphic designers, and advertising professionals in order collaborate together on projects for clients. Phil Condron also took me
What were some of your takeaways?
I learned how to behave in a professional setting. I learned how to write a blog post, something I had never done before, and also record a podcast and the back end of that. It was interesting to see what actually goes into a marketing and advertising firm, which is the area I would like to go into when I graduate. Condron gave me the skills to thrive in the advertising and PR world. I learned how to form my ideas into real campaigns and how to execute them. I learned how to take ideas from clients and build that up into something great. I learned how to blend writing and research to also turn into real campaigns. From observing, I learned what goes into
What is valuable about interning at a small business?
I like interning at a small business because you get to see all areas of the company, instead of just being under the direction of one person for months, I worked with various different departments. I was able to see all different elements work together to form one big picture. I liked that everyone knew my name within the first hour of
Do you have any advice for future interns?
I would definitely recommend to other students to take advantage of the Small Business Internship Initiative. My advice is to be ready to use your talents to the best of your abilities and to apply to a company that does what you think you want to do in the future. It’ll solidify your thinking one way or another. And if it’s not what you want to do, at least you got experience in the field and can put it on your resume. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas, either. Believe it or not, interns aren’t getting coffees and making copies all day.
Learn More:
Check out the Small Business Internship Initiative to view the paid summer internship opportunities available now! Also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @SmallBizIntern!