Submit your Magis Award Nominations

If you haven’t already done so, there is still time to submit your nomination for next month’s Meg Cullen-Brown Magis Award.Please forward your nominations by Aug. 29!
Submit your Magis Award Nominations

Dear Members of the University Staff:


If you haven’t already done so, there is still time to submit your nomination for next month’s Meg Cullen-Brown Magis Award.  Please forward your nominations by Aug. 29!

We ask that you send in a nomination this month, and every month, to pay tribute to the magis that you see amongst your colleagues and that you keep Meg’s memory and her family in your thoughts and in your prayers.

Click here to download the nomination form!

Click here to see past nominees and recipients!

The card may be completed online and forwarded to Peggy Doolittle, You may also print it out and send it to Peggy’s office at Louis Stanley Brown Hall-4th Floor.  In addition, Spirit Nominating Cards will be available to Facilities Operations and University Police personnel through their supervisory chains of command. 

Please consider rewarding “over and above” behavior by taking the time to send in a nomination!

Remember…The winner receives the use of a reserved parking place in the Parking Pavilion for the month and $50 of great University Food Services Cuisine!!!

 Thank you!

The Staff Senate Recognition and Excellence Committee

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