Schemel Forum World Affairs Luncheon Lecture
Cybercrime: A Global Weapon of Mass Destruction
It has become far too easy to have your Social Security, bank account, passport and credit card numbers stolen by hackers located throughout the world. As a result you can lose access to your savings and investments, your financial records, your vote, your tax refunds, title to your house and car. How did this happen and what can be done? We will discuss what policies and programs must be adopted to fight worldwide cyber criminals.
Michael Greenberger, J.D., Founder and Director, University of Maryland Center for Health and Homeland Security and Law Professor
When: Tuesday, Nov. 13; Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Brennan Hall, Rose Room, 509
FREE to University of Scranton Staff, Faculty and Students. RSVP required.
Alicen Morrison
Phone: 570-815-5024