Advice from a Junior: Open House
Applying to colleges can be an overwhelming process. Visiting schools can make this process less stressful, and attending an open house is a great way to learn about campus life while getting to see it in person! The University of Scranton will host a second “A Day on the Commons” on Sunday, November 4.
Current Scranton students are always happy and willing to talk to prospective students. They can offer great insight into what life at Scranton is really like, including information about academics and activities offered on campus.
Julia McKinney is a junior neuroscience and philosophy major and a tour guide on campus.
“Open House is a great opportunity to see and get a feel for the campus, and to visit students’ favorite places to hang out or study,” McKinney said. “Above all, Open House provides plenty of ways that prospective students can talk to current students, visit and tour research labs, meet with professors and learn about academic programs – things that are not normally offered on a regular tour.”
It is good to go into an open house informed. Having a few questions prepared beforehand can help ease your mind when you arrive on campus.
"Think of some academic programs or departments that you are interested in getting more information about,” McKinney said. “Also have a few clubs or activities in mind that you would like to get involved in on campus, and come up with a few questions to ask any professor or student you talk to.”
The most important piece of advice for visiting a campus is to be attentive and receptive to everything the school has to offer. Don’t let preconceived notions about a major or any other aspect of college life cloud your impression of a school. You might find courses or clubs that you are interested in that you have never even heard of before.
“Open Houses are meant to be a fun and exciting experience for students, so there is no need to be nervous! This is a time where the prospective student can really get a feel for the campus and community that they will be calling home for the next four years," said McKinney. "It would also be a good idea to know what ideals and aspects of a college you are looking for and are important to you. However, it is always a good idea to keep an open mind!”
More information about this Sunday's Open House can be found here.