Staff Special Training Opportunity

The Office of Human Resources, in collaboration with The Staff Senate Professional Development Committee, is providing resources and guidance on Understanding and Managing Escalating Behavior in the Workplace.
Staff Special Training Opportunity

The Office of Human Resources, in collaboration with The Staff Senate Professional Development Committee, is pleased to share this learning opportunity with you, geared to provide information, resources and guidance on  Understanding and Managing Escalating Behavior in the Workplace.

The training will be held on April 18, 2019 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Kane Forum, room 235 of Leahy Hall.   Sean McHale, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Advocacy Alliance will be presenting At the presentation, Sean will provide the attendees with tols toManage response (s) during the various stages of escalation,Demonstrate an empathetic connection and Exerciseprofessional courage in managing the difficult event.  

We encourage your participation and we look forward to seeing you.


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