Fr. Malloy Writes About Discernment During Graduation Season
This is an excerpt of an article from Catholic News Service. Read the entire article here.
Mimi is a senior at Holy Cross High School. Several of her friends seem so sure about their college choice. Mimi is having a hard time choosing between her top three schools. How come her friends seem so sure when she’s so uncertain?
Bruce is really struggling his senior year at the University of Scranton. After graduation, two of his friends are going to spend a year in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Bruce feels some pull to a year of service, but he’s not sure if he should get a job or maybe go to grad school.
Mimi and Bruce could benefit by becoming acquainted with St. Ignatius of Loyola, the little guy who started the Jesuits. His methods of discernment help people prayerfully figure out: Who am I? What do I really want? What might God be inviting me to do? Ignatian spirituality is, among other things, a way of learning how to make choices rooted in our deepest, truest, self in relation to God.
St. Ignatius teaches us to trace our inner experiences. What brings me joy? What do I daydream about doing with this one wonderful life? Are the choices I’m making in tune with what I love?
Read on, here