Fall Alumni Preview 2019

The University of Scranton will host several alumni events in the fall of 2019.
Scranton Connections LIVE!
On September 14, the University will hold Scranton Connections LIVE!, a chance for alumni to interact with current students in a casual environment, at 2 p.m. on the DeNaples Center patio.
Immediately following Scranton Connections LIVE!, the University will hold Royals on the Rooftop, a complimentary alumni after-party on the rooftop of Leahy Hall featuring beer, wine, soft drinks, and hors d'oeuvres as a show of appreciation to participating alumni. To register for the events, visit this link.
Family Weekend
The University's annual Family Weekend will take place September 20-22. To register for the weekend-long celebration, visit this link. For a full schedule of events, visit this link.
Men's and Women's Lacrosse Alumni Day
The Men's and Women's Lacrosse Teams will hold their annual alumni games on Saturday, Sept. 21, at Weiss Field beginning with the men's game at 4 p.m. and followed by the women's game at 6 p.m. A social will follow at a site TBD. To register for the men's event, contact Head Men's Lacrosse Coach Michael Hofmeister at michael.hofmeister@scranton.edu; to register for the women's event, contact Head Women's Lacrosse Coach Chrissy Trescavage at christina.trescavage@scranton.edu.
The Scranton Club of Lehigh Valley Hampton WInds Dinner
The Scranton Club of Lehigh Valley will hold its annual Hampton Winds dinner Sept. 26 at 6 p.m.
Enjoy a five-course meal at Hampton Winds prepared by students from Northampton Community College's Culinary Arts Program in the company of your fellow Scranton alumni and friends. To register for the event at a rate of $50 per person, visit this link.
The Scranton Club of New Jersey Red Bulls Gathering
The Scranton Club of New Jersey will gather at Red Bull Stadium in Harrison, New Jersey, to see the New York Red Bulls take on DC United Sept. 29.
To register, visit this link. Registration is $25 per person. For more information, contact alumni@scranton.edu.
Atlanta Happy Hour
The University will hold a happy hour in Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 3 for its alumni and friends at a site TBD. Check future issues of Royal News for more information on this event.
The Scranton Club of Philadelphia Recent Grad Happy Hour At Morgan's Pier
Also on Oct. 3, The Scranton Club of Philadelphia will hold a Recent Grad Happy Hour for members of the Classes of '09-'19 at Morgan's Pier. Check future issues of Royal News for more information on this event.
President’s Business Council 18th Annual Award Dinner
On Oct. 10, the President’s Business Council (PBC) 18th Annual Award Dinner will take place at The Pierre Hotel in New York City. At the dinner, which supports the Presidential Scholarship Endowment Fund, the University will honor JoAnne M. Kuehner H’01 and Carl J. Kuehner ’62, H’11 with the President’s Medal. Through its 17 dinners, the PBC has generated over $14 million for the scholarship fund while transforming the lives of scores of Presidential Scholars. To register for the event, visit this link. For more information, contact Tim Pryle ’89, executive director, at 570-941-5837 or pbc@scranton.edu, or visit scranton.edu/pbcdinner.