National History Day Judges Needed
A note from Sean Brennan, History Department.
I am the director for the Pennsylvania Region-2 competition of National History Day, which will be held on April 4, 2020. I extend you an invitation to serve as a judge for the competition, now in its second year at The University of Scranton! If you are interested, please send an email to this address,, let me know what, if any preference you have in terms of a judging assignment, categories include papers, websites, documentaries, performances, and exhibits.
Also, we will have a judge's workshop on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, at 7 p.m., at Loyola Science Center 133 (PNC Auditorium) at The University of Scranton. Please let us know if you are interested in attending. No previous experience is necessary, all you need is a love of history. If you are not interested in judging, but still want to help in the event, do not hesitate to contact me. Upper class students (juniors and seniors), are welcome to judge as well.
Feel free to visit our revised website for the Pennsylvania Region-2 competition, which has information for judges and all other participants. You can create an account on the site as well, but that is not necessary.