Scranton Brass Orchestra Concert Sun., Jan. 12

The Scranton Brass Orchestra will perform on Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020, at 7:30 p.m. in the Houlihan-McLean Center at The University of Scranton. Admission is free, and the performance is open to the public. (Doors open at 6:45, and seating is on a first-come, first-seated basis.)
The program for the concert features a variety of arrangements and transcriptions for brass band and brass orchestra of music either written for or featured in television, film, or stage productions, including Strauss's Also Sprach Zarathustra, Mozart's Overture to Marriage of Figaro, Holst's Mars, The Bringer of War, Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, Bernstein's West Side Story, Rogers's You'll Never Walk Alone, as well as a medley of Disney favorites.
The Scranton Brass Orchestra is under the direction of co-founder and director Cheryl Y. Boga and is presented by Performance Music at The University of Scranton. Now entering its tenth season, it is a fully professional 28 member ensemble comprised of brass & percussion players/teachers from the region. The group's performances are free of charge and open to the public and have often featured nationally and internationally acclaimed guests, including many of the most respected brass players of our time. The group made its debut before hundreds of appreciative audience members in June 2011 and has since garnered acclaim from both audiences and musicians alike.
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