Register Today For The Day Of Service

The University will hold its annual Day of Service April 18.
Each year, alumni throughout the nation honor the University's mission by volunteering with their fellow Royals in their regions. Registration is currently open for the following regional sites:
Boston - St. Francis House
Collegeville - Daily Bread Community Food Pantry
Harrisburg-Central PA Food Bank
Philadelphia-The Drueding Center
Philadelphia-Gift of Life House (Philadelphia Nursing Alumni)
Philadelphia-Our Brothers' Place
NEPA-Weinberg Food Bank
Worcester - Variety the Children's Charity
New Jersey
Hillside - Community Food Bank of New Jersey
New York
New York City - Carter Burden Center
New York (Floral Park)- Hance Family Foundation Park Clean-Up
Washington, D.C.
Arlington-Arlington Food Assistance Center
For more information, visit