Alpha Mu Gamma Foreign Language Honors Society

For students interested in joining the Foreign Language Honors Society, the deadline to apply is March 30, the fee is $65 and an application is available in the main office in O'Hara hall, 3rd floor. The induction ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, at 11:30 a.m. in Leahy 235.
Requirements are the following:
a) for full membership, two consecutive A's or A-`s in language courses (in the same language) at the Composition and Conversation (311-312) level or above;
b) for associate membership, two consecutive B+'s or better in language courses (in the same language) at the Composition and Conversation (311-312) level or above, or a noteworthy academic record in more than one language.
Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
Any questions please contact