World Language Department’s Spanish Immersion Day

Twenty-seven West Scranton High School students experienced life at The University of Scranton during the World Language Department’s Spanish Immersion Day on March 11.
The students started their day off in the department’s Language Learning Center at 9:30 a.m. While there, the students partook in various activities led by director of the LLC Hannah Jackson and the staff of the center. The activities kicked off with a nontraditional game of bingo. Students were tasked with asking their classmates and LLC staff questions in Spanish and writing their answers in the bingo square associated with that question. The first student to fill their entire bingo card won a Scranton T-shirt. Students then worked in pairs to complete a series of online Spanish skill tests. The first pair to finish also won Scranton T-shirts.
After the initial activities, the West Scranton students went on a tour of campus. Throughout the tour, the students learned more about the University of Scranton before enjoying lunch on the third floor of the DeNaples Center.
Once lunch was over, the students joined Colombian Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Sarah Romero’s Elementary Spanish II class for the day. Romero taught her students and the West Scranton students about Colombia through a series of group activities. The first activity required groups of students to complete a puzzle comprised of Colombia’s regions. The group that completed the puzzle first won Colombian Pesos. The next activity put the students’ knowledge of Colombia to the test as they were asked to match things associated with specific regions of Colombia to its proper region. Groups were then awarded a point for each correct match they made. The groups with the highest scores by the end of class were also awarded Colombian Pesos.
Spanish Immersion Day ended at 2 p.m. when the West Scranton students left to go back to their high school.