Virtual Help for Parents of Children with Autism

The University of Scranton Autism Collaborative Centers of Excellence (ACCE) executive hub will offer a series of virtual town hall meetings for parents with ASD individuals in their families and caregivers during Autism Awareness Month in April. The University developed the series of informational and educational online experiences related to ASD and associated disorders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The “town hall” format will allow greater interaction among the virtual participants during the sessions.
Topics to be discussed at the virtual sessions include: “Help with Challenging Behaviors in the COVID-19 Era;” “Picky Eating: Tips for Changing Eating Habits;” “Supporting Positive Family Interactions: Managing Sibling Conflict;” “Identifying Signs of Anxiety and Depression in Your Child;” and “Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis.” The full list of topics, dates, times and additional information of the planned April virtual town hall sessions can be seen at the ACCE website
University of Scranton professor Michael Kelley, Ph.D., BCBA-D, and visiting professor Dana M. Gadaire, Psy.D., BCBA-D, will lead the sessions. Dr. Kelley specializes in assessment and treatment of symptoms of Autism (specifically, early intervention), severe behavior disorders, feeding difficulties and other common behavior problems encountered by those affected by Autism. Dr. Kelley’s research is dedicated to disseminating information about assessment and treatment of symptoms of Autism and preventing treatment relapse. Dr. Gadaire specializes in interdisciplinary approaches to the treatment of common childhood disorders including Autism, ADHD and anxiety disorders. Dr. Gadaire’s research focuses on interventions to facilitate positive social interaction, learning behaviors and general wellbeing among children with diverse needs.
All virtual town hall sessions are live and will also be recorded. Participants who do not want their image to be recorded, should not turn on their video. Participants may also be muted in these sessions, and questions can be submitted through the chat or the Q&A feature. Recordings will be made available at a later date.
ACCE is part of a multi-year, multi-million-dollar regional initiative led by the AllOne Foundation intended to significantly enhance the service delivery system for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families living in 13 counties in Northeastern and North Central Pennsylvania. The ACCE executive hub is housed in the University’s Panuska College of Professional Studies. The Centers have been providing services remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
To learn about additional programming in the future, visit the ACCE Facebook page or join the ACCE listserv by emailing