Remote CBL: Info-Sessions and Resources

The Office of CBL, Community Relations and Center for Service and Social Justice are providing a series of opportunities to discuss, brainstorm and help to arrange remote Community-Based Learning options for your fall semester course(s).
Remote CBL: Info-Sessions and Resources

The Office of CBL, Community Relations and Center for Service and Social Justice are providing a series of opportunities to discuss, brainstorm and help to arrange remote Community-Based Learning options for your fall semester course(s).

Please consider joining us for a Drop-in Information Session on: Friday, July 31, 1-1:30 p.m. or Tuesday, Aug. 4, 9-9:30 a.m. In addition, you can also request an Individual Zoom Meeting.

Email Carolyn Bonacci, Community and Civic Engagement Coordinator, at for drop-in session zoom info or to schedule a meeting (please indicate your course and potential topic areas and/or community agency types).

Visit the CBL website for remote CBL project ideas, here.

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