Library Access for Fall 2020
Only current students, staff, and faculty will be allowed access to the Weinberg Memorial Library building using their Royal Card. Masks must be worn at all times, and six feet social distancing should be observed throughout the building. The library’s capacity is significantly limited, and all library seats are strategically laid out to ensure social distancing requirements. Seats and furniture should not be rearranged. Group study rooms have reduced seating, and use of group study rooms will be by reservation only.
- Eating in the building will be prohibited, and Java City will be closed for the fall semester.
- Facilities Operations staff have increased the frequency of disinfection for all bathroom, elevators, and major touchpoints. “Sanitation Stations” are available on each floor. For increased safety, all library users are asked to sanitize library surfaces, including carrels, tables, keyboards, and mice, both when arriving and when departing the building.
- Lastly, to promote safety and accommodate advanced cleaning protocols there will be no 24/7 access to the building.
- Students, staff, and faculty that present symptoms or suspect that they have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 should refrain from coming to the library, including for brief visits to print or return or pick up material.
Keeping the library a safe space for ourselves and those around us will be a shared responsibility. If these policies are not followed you may be respectfully asked to conform or leave the building. In alignment with the health and safety protocols for instructional spaces, you may also be asked to leave the Library building if you are exhibiting visible symptoms of COVID-19 including excessive coughing.
For the most up-to-date information about the library click here.