Virtual Recruitment Opportunities Available for Students

The Gerard R. Roche Center for Career Development is adjusting their practices in order to bring as many opportunities to our students as possible. Below is a listing of virtual recruitment events, hosted by various exciting companies. These events are facilitated through their platform, Handshake, and easily accessible by students through its single sign-on feature.
Below are some additional virtual events, specific to majors, that Career Development will be facilitating to best serve your students (all can be found on Handshake).
Thursday, Sept. 24 - Virtual Accounting Recruitment Event
Tuesday, Oct. 27 - Counseling & Human Service Internship Fair
Tuesday, Oct. 27 - Post-Grad Service Fair (in collaboration with several other schools)
Thursday, Feb. 25 - PT/OT/Nursing Recruitment Event
Also planning for Spring 2021: Grad/Professional School Event; STEM Recruitment Fair; and more!!!!