Royals Get Ready to Vote in 2020 Elections

Tuesday, September 22 marks National Voter Registration Day, a nonpartisan civic holiday that encourages the ideals of democracy and ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to vote. This day aims to reach the tens of thousands of voters who may not register otherwise. It is essential that each person of voting age in the US is registered to vote. The voter registration deadline for the state of Pennsylvania is October 19. Those on campus can register to vote by scanning the QR code located on voting posters across campus or by visiting
To prepare as a University community for the upcoming election, the Office of Community and Government Relations in collaboration with Scranton Student Government has created a voting resource hub: This site contains nonpartisan voter information, voting guides by issues, resources from Ignatian and Catholic organizations, and voter education information. Students can also directly email with any voting questions or to schedule a one-on-one voter information session. Scranton Student Government will also be offering voting information drop in office hours (see Royal Sync).
Even if you are registered to vote, this year more than ever, it is important to verify that your registration is up to date and that you have a voting plan in place. Those requesting mail in ballots in PA will need to do so before October 27. If voting by mail, you should make your selections and send in your ballot as soon as possible. You can also plan to drop your ballot off at a secure ballot drop off location. Each county elections office serves as a ballot drop off location. If for any reason you are concerned about your ballot being received in time, be sure to drop off your ballot. The Lackawanna County Department of Elections Office is located at 123 Wyoming Avenue, 2nd floor.
For voters planning to show up at the polls, creating a voting plan is essential. You will need to know where you polling location is, what you will need to bring with you (remember, first time voters at a new polling location must show ID; college ID’s such as Royal Cards are an accepted form of identification in PA), and prepare to vote in the time of COVID-19 by wearing a mask and keeping safe physical distancing during voting.
We also want to hear from you University of Scranton students. Why are you voting in the upcoming election? You can share a photo of yourself holding a sign with your "WHY" with #RoyalsVote2020. We may select your photo to share in the days leading up to the voter registration deadlines. This is a nonpartisan initiative that aims to express the importance of voting in your life.
Remember Royals, your vote is your voice - make it heard in the upcoming elections this November. You can register to vote at and find more information on how to vote, making a vote plan, and voting guides by issue at Contact with any voting questions. For voting updates and future events, follow the Office of Community Relations on Facebook @uscrantoncommunityrelations and on Instagram/Twitter @UofSCommunity and Scranton Student Government on Instagram/Twitter @uofssg.