Wellness Day Gives Students a Chance to Recharge

One student writes about how Wellness Day helped her recharge.
Tuesday was Wellness Day at Scranton, which meant that no classes were to be held, virtually or in-person. The incorporation of this Wellness Day into the calendar was intended to give students a well-deserved break from the stress and work required by their classes. Students were not only given a break from their classwork, but they were also met with some spring-like temperatures and sunshine.
With temperatures finally rising above freezing, I was able to get out of my apartment to take a walk around campus and enjoy the weather. It was so nice to see so much activity on campus, from friends playing catch on the Founder’s Green to roommates spending time out on the Dionne Green to finish up their work for the day. Everywhere I turned, I was met with the sight of people out and about in Scranton, a tell-tale sign that this Wellness Day was not only appreciated but thoroughly enjoyed as well.
Aside from my brisk walk on campus, my Wellness Day was spent taking care of myself in various other ways. I was able to catch up on some much-needed sleep and head to the gym first thing in the morning to get my body moving. After the gym, I took my time to cook breakfast for myself, enjoying the feeling of not being in a rush to make it to my classes on time. After breakfast, I was able to settle in and get through some work I had for the week. After managing to get ahead of some work, banking up some more free wellness time for myself later on in the week, I decided to spend the remainder of my Wellness Day doing a few of my favorite things.