Council Of Alumni Lawyers Names Next Chair

Mara I. Smith, Esq. ’13, G’21, outgoing chair of the Council of Alumni Lawyers (CAL), has completed her term and transferred leadership of the CAL to Eric D. Brophy, Esq. ’92, executive director of the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority. Brophy will begin formerly leading the CAL as chair at the next meeting this fall.
Brophy serves as the chief executive officer of the Authority and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of a New Jersey independent authority responsible for the issuance of taxable and tax-exempt bonds, as well as the administration of several state-backed grant programs for institutions of higher education in New Jersey.
Previously, Brophy served as a member of The University of Scranton Alumni Society Advisory Board. In addition, he and his wife, Elaine '92, endowed the Ignatian Global Citizen Program in the University’s Department of Political Science in 2018. Eric graduated from Seton Hall University School of Law in 1999 and spent 20 years in private practice at several law firms, eventually running his own law firm for 11 years before joining Governor Murphy’s administration.