Scranton DBA Program Graduates First Students
The University of Scranton conferred doctor of business administration (DBA) degrees to the first cohort of students to graduate from the program at a special ceremony in the McIllhenny Ballroom of the DeNaples Center on July 12.
The University’s DBA program with a concentration in accounting was developed to provide experienced practitioners with a practical pathway to an academic career at a school of business that possesses or is seeking formal accreditation by Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International).
“When this program was born, we inspired to transform experienced accounting professionals into exceptional academics and teachers capable of producing advanced-practice relevant research grounded in the ethical foundation of our institution’s St. Ignatian identity,” said Douglas M. Boyle, DBA, chair of the University’s Accounting Department and DBA program director, at the ceremony. “Graduates of cohort one, you have exceeded our expectations and we look forward to witnessing the continued impact you will have on the world of business through the education and formation of future generations of leaders in industry grounded in the ethical formation of Ignatian identity.”
Dr. Boyle noted that the DBA graduates and faculty have already co-authored and published 15 manuscripts in internationally recognized refereed journals with six of the publications winning awards from the Institute of Management Accountants. He noted that each of the graduates had been successful in securing at least one publication as a co-author while still attending the program. He also said the majority of cohort one graduates have already secured tenure-track position in AACSB-accredited schools of business, with others continuing to work in industry or establishing consulting practices.
Scranton’s DBA program, which began in 2018, has already been internationally recognized when AACSB listed the program among the “Innovations and Best Practices in Canada, Latin America and the United States.” The program was recognized for providing a non-traditional research DBA in accounting that “promotes diversity and practice relevance by providing a flexible path for experienced practitioners to gain the knowledge and credentials required to succeed in tenure-track positions at AACSB-accredited institutions.”
At the ceremony, degrees were conferred by Rev. Joseph Marina, S.J., president of The University of Scranton, upon candidates presented by Jeff Gingerich, Ph.D., provost and senior vice president for academic affairs.
“Your education lives on after this day. Although it belongs to you, it also belongs to the world, where you are called and needed to be agents of change, to be ethical leaders and to work for the common good,” said Father Marina at the ceremony.
Also at the ceremony, George W. Krull, Jr., Ph.D., global strategic advisor for the University’s DBA program, provided the keynote address and Todd DeZoort, Ph.D., a global scholar in Scranton’s DBA program and the Durr-Fillauer Chair in Business Ethics and Professor of Accounting at the University of Alabama, was recognized as the Kania School of Management Global Scholar of the Year. Rev. Patrick Rogers, S.J., executive director of the University’s Jesuit Center, provided the Invocation and Father Marina provided the Benediction.
Class of 2021 graduates of The University of Scranton’s DBA program are:
Marcus Justin Burke of Highland Village, Texas;
Joy Chacko of Chandler, Arizona;
Anthony Lamont Fulmore of Killeen, Texas;
Craig Gallagher of South Abington Township;
Daniel J. Gaydon of Plains;
Elena V. Isaacson of Niskayuna, New York;
Heather J. Losi of Liverpool, New York;
Amanda Sue Marcy of Clifford Township;
Patrick Edward O’Brien of North Merrick New York;
Ronald Douglas Parker of Franklin, North Carolina;
Savas Saymaz of Allentown.