Schemel Forum: Russia and the Post-truth Society
The Schemel Forum presents Jill Dougherty, CNN’s Moscow Bureau Chief for almost a decade, now an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and CNN on-air contributor.
During the Cold War, the U.S.S.R. tried to convince the world that communism was the future of humankind. The U.S. tried to convince the world that democracy and capitalism gave people a better life. Today, propagandists still try to convince but, more and more, try to confuse - to overwhelm their target audiences with a firehose of mis- and disinformation.
Jill Dougherty, Russian history expert, is currently teaching a course in 'Information Wars' at Georgetown University, and explores the new paradigm, what it means for Russia, and what it could mean for America.
This event will be held in person at Edward Leahy Hall, Kane Forum, 235 • Noon to 1:30 p.m., and via Zoom. A remote link will be emailed for Zoom participants
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