Meg Cullen-Brown Magis Award Winner, June

The Staff Senate would like to thank all staff members who took the time to recognize and share their colleague’s accomplishments, sense of community, and dedication to excellence. The Meg Cullen Brown Magis Award would not exist without our caring community!
THE MEG CULLEN-BROWN MAGIS AWARD WINNER for June 2022 is: Ericka Lavelle - Student Health Services
How long have you worked for the University?
I’ve worked for the University for 4 years.
What do you like best about your job?
What I like best about my job is being a part of the university community in helping to create memorable and positive experiences for the students during their time here.
What do you like to do for fun?
For fun, I like to travel and spend time outdoors with my husband and two kids. I also enjoy reading and relaxing with our dog.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and celebrate the good work that Ericka does on a daily basis. We hope you will join us in personally congratulating Ericka and all our nominees.
Ericka will receive a certificate for $50 worth of complimentary food at our fabulous University foodservice outlets, as well as a reserved parking space in the DeNaples Parking Pavillon for the month of June. Each monthly winner is also invited to the Senate Recognition event in May to receive a certificate of appreciation. We congratulate our winner and all the other nominees for being recognized as “Magis” employees.
Karl Johns -Technology Support Services
Thomas Cody-Infrastructure & Security Services
Mauri Walsh - WO Clerk, Facilities
Kevin Kocur - Interlibrary Loan Coordinator
Melisa Gallo - WML InterLibrary Loan
Rose Ann Jabinski - Enterprise Application Svcs
Mevlida Kasumovic - Residence Halls Facilities
Paul Snopek - Residence Halls Facilities
Ajisa Alic - Residence Halls Facilities
Carol Policastro - Residence Halls Facilities
John Witko - Facilities Trades
Bernie Reinbold-Student Health Svcs
Melinda Finnerty-Student Health Svcs