Reunion Weekend Returns June 9-11

The University of Scranton will hold its annual Reunion Weekend celebration June 9-11. Visit this link to register for this year’s events.
Friday, June 9
Registration Opens At The Reunion Weekend Hospitality Center
2 – 10 p.m.
The DeNaples Center, 1st Floor
When you arrive on campus, make The DeNaples Center your first stop to receive your name tag, event tickets and other information.
The Frank J. O’Hara Awards Dinner
7 p.m.
The McIlhenny Ballroom of The DeNaples Center, 4th Floor
The University and The Alumni Society will honor Elizabeth Altemus Murphy '83, Noradeen Farlekas, LP.D., CFA '83, Colleen A. Joseph, M.D. '83, John J. (Jack) Lynch, III '83, Erin Tracy Bradley, M.D., MPH '88, Matthew L. Davidson, Ph.D. '93, Linda M. Hee, Esq. '93, Yohuru R. Williams, Ph.D. '93, G'93, and Colonel Christopher Paris, Esq. '98, at the 2023 Frank J. O'Hara Awards Dinner. Visit this link to register and/or to leave a congratulatory note for an honoree today.
All-Class Welcome Reception
9-11 p.m.
The Flagpole Terrace
Celebrate the weekend with friends, music, bar snacks, beer, wine and soda at the Flagpole Terrace.
Saturday, June 10
Registration Opens At The Reunion Weekend Hospitality Center
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
The DeNaples Center, 1st Floor
Special Constituency Reunions
11 a.m. - Noon
Band and Singers: Houlihan McLean
Rainbow Royals: The DeNaples Center, 2nd Floor
SJLA: The DeNaples Center, 2nd Floor
All-Class Family Picnic
12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
The Dionne Green
Enjoy a picnic lunch and plenty of fun with your friends at this crowd-pleasing, family-friendly event! Entertainment will include a DJ, yard games, ice cream truck, bounce house, and more. Adult tickets will cost $30, and tickets for children ages 5-18 will cost $15; children under 5 will be admitted for free.
Special Performance By Durty Nelly and The Blackwells
1:30 – 3 p.m.
The Dionne Green Amphitheater
See Durty Nelly and The Blackwells, a band comprised of members of the Class of 1993, return to campus for a special performance.
Campus Tour
3 p.m.
Departs from The DeNaples Center, 2nd Floor
Saturday Evening Celebration
6 - 10 p.m.
The DeNaples Center Patio & Dionne Green
You and your classmates will be treated to an evening of food, spirits and dancing. Tickets will cost $60 per person. Cocktails will be available at your class dinner location, and the after party will be on the patio of the DeNaples Center.
In addition to the events listed above, the University will hold a 50-Year Medal Ceremony for the members of The Class of 1973 and their guests.
Class Dinner and 50-Year Medal Ceremony
6 p.m.
The DeNaples Center, 4th Floor
Includes dinner, cocktails, and the 50-year medal ceremony.
Sunday, June 11
Reunion Weekend Mass
9:30 a.m.
Madonna della Strada Chapel