Club Spotlight: Roundnet Club Plans October Tournament

In an occasional series, Royal News spotlights clubs from the university’s 100+ student organizations on campus, speaks to members and offers information on how to connect with the clubs.
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Club: Roundnet Club
Meet: Andrew Gordos, '24, shown, a biomathematics, pre-dental major from Leesport, Pennsylvania and president of the Roundnet Club.
Connect: @uofs_roundnet
Q: What is the Roundnet Club’s mission?
"To provide the opportunity for all students attending The University of Scranton to increase their knowledge of and compete at all skill levels of Spikeball*."
Q: What, in your opinion, are the most exciting events or activities you present as a club?
"The club, for the past two years, has partnered with CSA (Commuter Student Association) for an ice cream social, and partnered with CHEW (Center for Health Education and Welness) for Glow and Flow, in which our club provided glow-in-the-dark nets and balls. One event that was super exciting was our little club tournament on Sept. 23. This was our first tournament, ever, and we are planning on having a University-wide tournament in October."
Q: Why would you recommend someone join?
"I would recommend people join the club if they would like to learn how to play the game, to improve their skills related to the game, or to have fun playing with others. We are very open to new and experienced players."
Q: Why did you join the club?
"I helped in the process of forming the club as the first captain. I always wanted to have a Roundnet club at Scranton because I wanted to create a place where people could meet others who also loved the game. I did not have that for my first two years and I wanted to create that for others."
Q: When and where does the Roundnet Club meet?
"Roundnet Club meets for practices three times every week. We meet in the Byron on Mondays from 7:00-8:30 p.m., on the Fitzpatrick Field on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00 p.m., and on the Fitzpatrick Field on Saturdays, in which the times fluctuate week-to-week."
Q: Any plans for the fall semester?
"We plan to continue our practices but we are planning a University-wide tournament on either Oct. 14 or Oct. 21. Flyers for this tournament will be published soon around campus with all the necessary information."
* Roundnet is a sport that is played with a spherical ball, similar to a beach ball, on a raised rounded net. Spikeball is an equipment of the Roundnet sport.Shown, above, from left: Roundnet Club officers Vice President John Christiansen '25, a secondary education and history major, Captain Justin Nichols, '25, a nursing major, Secretary Rishi Majmundar '25 and President Andrew Gordos '24, President, a biomathematics major.