Staff Senate Hosts End-of-Year Recognition and Awards Ceremony
The University of Scranton Staff Senate hosted an End-of-Year Recognition and Awards Ceremony on May 15. Rev. Joseph G. Marina, S.J., University President, offered opening statements and applauded the staff for their efforts. Michelle Gonzalez Maldonado, Ph.D., provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, offered the Invocation.
Invited guests included the Meg Cullen-Brown Magis Award recipients for the year, as well as the Sursum Corda award recipients. First-year committee chairs were presented the Francis Xavier Leadership Award and St. Xavier Bell. Mark Murphy was honored as the outgoing Staff Senate President. Melisa Gallo was honored with the President's Award.
Learn More About Staff Senate Awards
On a monthly basis, the Meg Cullen-Brown Magis Award honors employees who exhibit the University's Jesuit ideal of “men and women for others.” The Sursum Corda (Lift Up Your Hearts) Awards recognize members of the University’s professional/paraprofessional staff, clerical/technical staff and maintenance/public safety staff who have made outstanding contributions to the life and mission of the University.
The recipient of the President's Award is selected by the president of the Staff Senate. The award was instituted to recognize excellence and achievement in the performance of duties as a University of Scranton staff senator. It is envisioned that the awardees will exhibit truly outstanding execution of duties as senators, both in terms of effort expended and the importance of outcomes.
The Francis Xavier Leadership Award is given to senators who have served as a chair or co-chair of a committee chair this past year. On the occasion of receiving their first Xavier Leadership Award, senators serving as the chair of an Ad Hoc Committee receive a certificate, and those serving as the chair of a standing committee receive the St. Xavier Bell and a certificate.
Staff Senate 2023-2024 Officers
Mark Murphy, President
Kristi Klien, President-Elect
Traci Vennie, Vice-President
Traci Vennie, Secretary
Kym Fetsko, Parliamentarian
Melisa Gallo and Denise Kuzma, Communications
Shawn Beistline, Rose Ann Jubinski and Kristi Klien, Elections and Membership
Traci Vennie, Finance
Melissa Eckenrode and Lucy Grissinger, Social Events and Community Building
Geri Barber and Meg Hambrose, Staff Development
Kym Fetsko, Staff Recognition and Excellence Awards
Brenda Amato
Geri Barber
Shawn Beistline
Amy Black
Brenda Lee Clarke
Bridget Conlogue *
Peggy Doolittle
Grismeiris De Jesus
Rebecca Dzikowski *
Melissa Eckenrode
Kym Fetsko
Lori Flynn
Autumn Forgione *
Melisa Gallo
Lucia Grissinger
Meg Hambrose
Rose Ann Jubinski
Sybil Keris *
Jonathan Kirby
Kristi Klien
Bernie Krzan
Denise Kuzma
Tammy Manka
Sandina Meo
Mark Murphy
Meghan Nowakowski
Pete Sakowski
Patricia Savitts
Janet Schieber
Daniela Teneva
Traci Vennie
* Alternates
Brenda Amato
Geri Barber
Shawn Beistline
Bri Clark *
Brenda Lee Clarke
Bridget Conlogue *
Peggy Doolittle
Melissa Eckenrode *
Jill Eidenberg
Kym Fetsko
Melinda Finnerty *
Autumn Forgione
Melisa Gallo*
Lucia Grissinger
Jessica Hughes
Rose Ann Jubinski
Bridget Judge
Kristi Klien
Sybil Keris*
Denise Kuzma
Tammy Manka
Janice Mecadon
Joseph Medina
Sandina Meo
Hollie Roscioli
Patricia Savitts
Bryn Schofield
Melissa Sherrill *
Janet Shieber
Daniela Teneva
LeeAnn Toth
Alex Wasalinko
Traci Vennie