A New Year of Wellness at Scranton

CHEW offers new wellness classes for employees in January.
A New Year of Wellness at Scranton

The Center for Health Education and Wellness (CHEW) Employee Wellness Program announces offerings that will take place during Intersession. CHEW curated programs and resources to support the well-being of the University community through stress reduction, healthy habits and community connection. 

Weekly Wellness Classes, Beginning Jan. 7

  • Drop-In Pickleball, Tuesdays 12-1 p.m. (Byron Gym)

  • Light Weights and Abs, Tuesday at 5 p.m. (Royals Room, Byron Center)

  • Lunchtime Yoga, Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. (Royals Room, Byron Center)  

  • Walk for Wellness, Fridays at 12:15 p.m. (Byron Gym)

Yoga Meditation for Stress & Anxiety, Jan. 9

  • Employee Wellness announces a special Yoga Meditation class led by Miranda Miaris, a Certified Yoga Instructor, designed to help reduce stress and anxiety. Join on Thursday, Jan. 9, for a calming session that combines gentle yoga poses, mindful breathing, and meditation techniques to promote relaxation and mental clarity. Participation is limited to 35 attendees; registration is required. Please fill out the Royal Sync registration below to ensure your spot.  Register for Yoga Meditation

Opioid Overdose Prevention and Narcan Training, Free Narcan Kits Jan. 16

  • The Employee Wellness Program, in partnership with the Wright Center, invites employees to an educational session on recognizing the signs of and preventing an opioid overdose. Participants will learn how to administer Naloxone and receive a free Narcan kit on Thursday, Jan.16, from 2-3 p.m. in the Moscovitz Theater (TDC 401).  Register for Opioid Overdose Prevention Training

Questions? Contact CHEW at chew@scranton.edu or 570-941-4253  

Check out more employee wellness information @ https://www.scranton.edu/employeewellness
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