Staff Senate Committee Updates
Social Events & Community Building
The Senate aspires to be a good neighbor by supporting local causes that benefit our community. Kristi Klien, Kevin Roginski and the Social Events & Community Building Committee did a fabulous job in using the Annual Senate Christmas Luncheon as well as the Meet and Greet to collect donations. They raised $1,566.00 to help The Bethel AME Homeless Shelter stay funded through the winter and collected 2,000 pairs of socks to support the Aramark and University sponsored Community Christmas Breakfast. At this year’s Meet and Greet they raised $190 for The Community Intervention Center, and collected an immense amount of toiletry items, which were also donated to The Community Intervention Center.
Members: Kristi Klien (co-chair), Kevin Roginski (co-chair), Ann Barnoski, Tom Coleman, Kelly Cook, Lori Flynn, Steve Hallock, Caitlyn Hollingshead, Gerry Loveless, Janice Mecadon, Mary Ellen Pichiarello, Ryan Puksta, Bryn Schofield, Sue Shimsky, Kyle Thomas, and Cindy Tokash
Staff Recognition & Excellence Awards
The Staff Recognition and Excellence Committee has been eagerly planning the End of the Year Celebration and Awards Luncheon. It will take place on Wednesday, May 10th in the Rose Room in Brennan Hall. This gathering is focused on acknowledging the work Staff Senators have done on behalf of the campus community this past year and recognizes various staff accomplishments. Current Staff Senators, as well as, new elected Senators, Senate Committee chairs, Monthly Spirit Award winners, Senate Volunteers and community members who have completed an academic degree this year will all be honored and recognized! We are looking forward to an enjoyable event! Most importantly, we are appreciative of all of the efforts put forth campus-wide by all members of the University staff!
Members: Gina Butler (co-chair), Tamara Bautista (co-chair), Lisa Bealla, Lori Flynn, Caitlyn Hollingshead, Janice Mecadon, Eileen Notarianni (volunteer), Mary Ellen Pichiarello
This article originally appeared in the Spring 2017 Issue of the Staff Senate Spotlight. Read the full issue, here.