Middle States Self Study 2017

It’s been a busy fall as the Middle States Self-Study Working Groups have been gathering and analyzing evidence and engaging resource persons and committees across campus. We thank all of those throughout the University community who have contributed knowledge, experience, and insights to the process thus far.
Also this fall, we were pleased to convene three Town Hall discussions, participatory sessions hosted by the Jesuit Center and incorporating practices of Ignatian dialogue and discernment as a way of gathering your comments about Self-Study topics. More than 100 faculty, staff, and students attended across these three sessions, and we were able to gather a total of 292 comments revealing 152 “consolations” – areas where the University is excelling – and 140 “desolations” – aspects where there is
If you were not able to join us, but would still like to take part in this feedback process, you can share comments using this brief survey.
We have analyzed the data gathered to date. As promised, we are disseminating summary details that highlight some of the topics generating the most comments. Information gathered in the Town Halls has been shared with the Working Groups to inform their process of reflection and analysis. Working Groups are currently completing their research phase and will submit initial draft reports by the end of January.
Looking forward, we hope you will join us for more Town Halls during the spring semester, where you will be able to engage further in the Self-Study by offering responses to the draft Working Group reports.
We continue to appreciate campus