Concert Band performance Saturday!
Sat., Nov. 18, 2017
7:30 p.m.
University of Scranton
Houlihan McLean Center
Admission FREE
IN CONCERT: The University of Scranton Concert Band
The evening's program includes music for band written in the late 20th and early 21st century, including music by composers Giroux, Holsinger, Mitchell, Nelhybel, Paulus, Spark, Ticheli, Turrin, and Whitacre.
The University of Scranton Concert Band is a 78-member ensemble comprised of members of the university community from majors and departments spanning the curriculum. The vast majority of the band are undergraduate students, joined by a few graduate students and members of the faculty and staff. None of whom are music majors, who are all brought together by their mutual love of music-making.