Staff Spirit Award - December 2017

The University Staff Senate Recognition and Excellence Committee has picked the winner of the STAFF SPIRIT AWARD for DECEMBER:
Bernard Krzan
PCPS Advising Center
Other “Spirited” nominees this month were:
- - Janice Mecadon,
Economics and Finance - - Tara Blaine, Graduate Admissions
- - Susan
Shimsky , Facilities Operations - - Mevlida Kasumovic, Facilities Operations
- - Robert Keegan, Facilities Operations
- - Bertha Ludwikowski, Facilities Operations
- - Maria Marinucci,
Cross Cultural Center - - Cindy Hricko, IT Enterprise Application Services
Bernie will receive a certificate for $50 worth of complimentary food at our fabulous University food service outlets. Each monthly winner is also invited to the Senate Recognition luncheon in May to receive a certificate of appreciation. We congratulate our “winner” and all the other nominees for being recognized as “Spirited” employees.
We hope you will join the Staff Senate in recognizing and nominating employees in the future and share our excitement for giving individuals the opportunity to be acknowledged for their outstanding efforts on behalf of our campus community.
Click here to obtain a nomination card.
The card may be completed online and forwarded to Mary Ellen Pichiarello. You may also print it out and send via mail to Mary Ellen in LSC, Room 580.
In addition, Spirit Nominating Cards will be available to Facilities Operations and University Police personnel through their supervisory chains of command.
Thank you!
Staff Senate Recognition and Excellence Committee