Meg Cullen Brown Magis Award - June

The University Staff Senate Recognition and Excellence Committee has picked the winner of the MEG CULLEN-BROWN MAGIS AWARD for June:
Adam Szydlowski
How long have you worked at the University?
I’ve been a staff member since December 2007.
What is your title?
I’ve held a few positions at The Graduate School/CGCE and the Registrar’s Office before moving to my current position in KSOM Advising. My current title is Graduate Program Advisor.
What do you like best about your job?
This may sound cliché but what I like best about my job is working directly with students. I’ve enjoyed all my positions at the University but my prior roles were less student centered and more focused on processing. I communicated with students on a regular basis but it was from behind a computer. My current position revolves around meeting with students on a regular basis to discuss topics from registration and policies to helping students work through issues they may encounter. Having the ability to make a positive impact on students has been extremely fulfilling. It also helps working with a wonderful team who make every day fun even on the toughest of days. It’s not often you can say that about going to work! I am very fortunate!
Other nominees this month:
Adam will receive a certificate for $50 worth of complimentary food at our fabulous University food service outlets, as well as, a reserved parking space for the month of their selection! Each monthly winner is also invited to the Senate Recognition luncheon in May to receive a certificate of appreciation. We congratulate our “winner” and all the other nominees for being recognized as “Magis” employees.
We hope you will join the Staff Senate in recognizing and nominating employees in the
The nominations must be submitted by the 29th of the month for the next drawing to pick a winner.
You can use this link to obtain a nomination card.
Click here to view past recipients!
The card may be completed online and forwarded to Peggy Doolittle at
Gina Butler and Peggy Doolittle, Co-Chairs
Staff Senate Recognition and Excellence Committee