Upcoming Events & Grant Opportunities from OED

The Office of Equity & Diversity is pleased to offer special opportunities for you to engage in conversation on diversity, inclusion and Title IX, and also obtain funding for diversity education programs for the campus community.
Upcoming Events & Grant Opportunities from OED

The Office of Equity & Diversity is pleased to offer special opportunities for you to engage in conversation on diversity, inclusion and Title IX, and also obtain funding for diversity education programs for the campus community.

This week: 

Wednesday, Sept. 25: Diversity + Inclusion Lunch & Learn Part 3

Raising awareness of the nature and negative impact of microaggressions in the workplace is an important part of creating an inclusive environment. Learn how to implement change and enhance cultural sensitivity in your department by joining us for part 3 of our Formula for Success: D+I = A Better U! lunch and learn from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in DeNaples Ballroom A. Registration is required. Click here to register.

Thursday, Sept. 26: Title IX Refresher: Required Reporting

Pop in for a quick refresher and Q&A on reporting incidents that may fall under your Title IX obligation, from 10:00-10:30 a.m. in the Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall, Rm. 228. No registration required. 


 Wednesday, Oct. 23: Diversity + Inclusion Lunch & Learn Part 4

In Part 4 of our Formula for Success: D+I = A Better U! series, we will explore the origins of our beliefs, recognize how they are at the root of implicit bias, and learn to embrace difference.   Please join us Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019, from 12:00-1:00 p.m. in DeNaples Ballroom A. Registration is required. Click here to register.  

Wednesday, Oct. 30: Title IX Refresher: Required Reporting

Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall 228 from 12:00-12:30 p.m.  No registration required.

Thursday, Oct. 31: Fall Deadline for Diversity Initiatives Grant Applications

The Diversity Initiatives Review Board is accepting applications for grants funding educational programs on campus that promote initiatives that energize the commitment to diversity, provide opportunity for inter-cultural engagement as well as expand opportunities for multicultural  experiences for our community.

The  Diversity  Initiatives  Fund is available to campus groups, departments or individuals seeking to promote a greater understanding of diversity through inclusive pedagogies, educational opportunities,  multicultural activities and community outreach programs. The grant is intended to launch new, innovative, or educational opportunities for the University community. Recurring projects may apply for funding as well.

Student applicants and part-time employees are required to have a full-time staff or full-time faculty sponsor.  Student clubs are required to have the approval of the  club moderator and the  Coordinator of Student  Clubs and Organizations. Individual staff members and non-full-time faculty must obtain approval from their supervisor or department chair, respectively. Sponsorship or approval must be obtained prior to applying for the grant.

For the grant guidelines and application, please visit: https://www.scranton.edu/equity-diversity/diversity-initiative.shtml



Monday, Nov. 25: Title IX Refresher: Required Reporting

Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall 228 from 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  No registration required. 

Check our website for more campus diversity events! https://www.scranton.edu/equity-diversity/events.shtml

Please feel free to contact Jen Pennington at Jennifer.pennington@scranton.edu or call x6645 for more information.

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