The Career Expo: Not Just for Upperclassmen
The University of Scranton's Fall 2019 Career Expo and Health & Education Reception will take place on Thursday, Sept. 26 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Byron Center. This fall, there is a record number of 131 organizations coming to campus. Hosted by The Center for Career Development, the Career Expo is for students and alumni in all majors and industries. Even first-year students? Yes, said Chris Whitney, director of the Center for Career Development.
"First-year students are encouraged to go so that they can start building their network and start understanding what employers are going to be expecting of them," said Whitney. "Without the pressure!"
The Expo is an opportunity to find a full-time job, internship, co-op, part-time experience or interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools. First-years should not be intimidated to talk to employers, even if they are just finding their path.
"We encourage first-year students to approach and tell the recruiter right away that they are a first-year and are trying to learn more about the industry," said Whitney.
In addition to the Career Expo, the Center for Career Development will be hosting a Health & Education Reception from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Kane Forum to give students attending clinical and/or student teaching an opportunity to interact with recruiters/professionals. The following majors are invited to the Health & Education Reception: Community Health Education, Counseling, Education, Exercise Science, Health Administration, Kinesiology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy.
Find out more about the Career Expo And Health & Education Reception, here.