McDade Program for Public Service Scholarship

Congressman & Mrs. Joseph McDade Program
for Public Service Scholarship
The Congressman & Mrs. Joseph McDade Program for Public Service Scholarship is awarded based on the following guidelines:
• The applicant must be a University of Scranton sophomore or junior who intends to do the internship in her/his junior or senior year. The internship could be any academic session (summer, fall, intersession, or spring).
• First preference is for students majoring in political science. Consideration will be given to students majoring in other fields traditionally linked to public service such as, but not only, criminal justice.
• Student must have an overall GPA of at least 3.3.
• The student will be responsible for arranging a 3 credit (120 hour) internship with an agency in the local area and identifying a specific project on which to work at the agency. The agency may be at the city or bor ough level, county level, state level, or federal level. The local office for the 10th Congressional District is an eligible assignment, as is Tobyhanna Army deport and the Veterans Hospital in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre.
• A University committee will review applications for internship support. A representative from Political Science Department will coordinate selection.
• The selected candidate must have final approval by the office of Financial Aid.
• The scholarship award may be used for tuition, out of pocket expenses or any other appropriate purpose related to completion of a public service internship.
Submit your application to:
Crystal A. Ondrick, Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Financial Aid Office
St. Thomas Hall 4th floor Suite 401
Application deadline EXTENDED: Monday, May 25, 2020