National Doctors' Day Tributes

The University's Medical Alumni Council collected tributes to doctors on National Doctors' Day on Monday, March 30. Read a selection of the tributes here. You can also Honor a Royal or share a story by visiting See the Honor Roll at Read all the tributes from Doctors' Day here.
My brother, Dr. Joseph Cahill '08, is currently completing his last year of surgical residency in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with Pinnacle Health. He graduated from Scranton in 2008 with a degree in Biology. He went on to complete his master's in cell and molecular biology from Binghamton University. He then completed Medical School at Lake Eerie College of Osteopathic Medicine. He will begin a fellowship this summer. His Scranton education helped create a strong foundation for his career. Together, with his perseverance and education, he has become a stellar and well-respected doctor. His work ethic is unmatched and has inspired me to work harder than I knew I could. He truly embodies the quote on Brennan Hall's wall, "Of those to whom much is given, much is expected- Luke 12:48". Joe's commitment to his patients is unwavering. Thank you, Joe!
- Elizabeth Cahill '15
Please recognize Dr. Michael T. Brown '82, as he works continuously to treat patients throughout this pandemic. Dr. Brown is a surgical oncologist at Tower Health in Reading. He recently celebrated his 60th birthday with festivities postponed as he did not want to unwittingly spread anything to his wife, Dr. Patti Brown, or his three children, son-in-law or 2-year-old granddaughter. Dr. Brown is an incredible surgeon and mentor who warrants recognition year-round and especially this Doctors' Day.
- Douglas Brown
Dr. Eileen (Hoffner) Bishop '05 earned a degree in biomathematics and continued her studies at The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Bishop completed a fellowship in critical care at Dartmouth before joining the team at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
She is a dedicated advocate for the care of the sickest patients. She works tireless hours as a critical care physician and has worked been a leader at the Cleveland Clinic in many regards. She is on maternity leave but will be returning to the frontlines of patient care in a short time, around the peak-projection point for the pandemic in her area. She is an example of Royals for Others.
- Kim Collins '08