Nomination Period for Staff Senate Now Open Through April 20

The nomination process for seats on the University's Staff Senate is now open.
Employees can submit nominations with this form until 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20. Nominations can be emailed to or delivered to Kristi Klien, 115 Ciszek Hall.
If you nominate a colleague, you must first receive their permission to be nominated and placed on the ballot.
The following seats are available:
Clerical: 3 seats and 2 alternates
Maintenance/Custodial, Trades, Technical, Police: 2 seats and 2 alternates
Professional/Paraprofessional: 7 seats and 2 alternates.
Full/Part-time employees having completed one year of employment by April 15 within the Clerical, Maintenance, Technical, Trades, Para-professional or Professional positions are eligible to run for a seat.
The Senate is composed of 27 senators and 6 alternates within the three employee groups.
If you have any questions, contact a Staff Senate Officer or Senator. Use the following link to view the Staff Senate website & learn more about the Staff Senate.
We look forward to hearing from, working with and for you!
President: Gina Butler
President-Elect: Mark Murphy
Vice-President: Kristi Klien
Secretary: Rose Ann Jubinski
Parliamentarian: Pauline Palko