PBC To Hold 21st Annual Award Dinner Sept. 29

The President’s Business Council (PBC) will present President’s Medals to Patricia A. Byrnes Clarke ’86, P'17,’19, global chief talent officer for Havas Group, and Thomas P. O’Brien ’86, P’19, chief executive officer & president of SumRidge Partners, LLC, at its 21st Annual Award Dinner on Thursday, Sept. 29, at Gotham Hall in New York City.
“We are looking forward to being in person for this year’s PBC Dinner in late September as we celebrate our honorees, the University, and our students,” said Timothy J. Pryle ’89, executive director of the PBC. “We have two wonderful honorees who are excellent representatives of the PBC and who continue to have a tremendous impact on the University and our students.”
In presenting the President’s Medal, the University and the PBC recognize individuals who have achieved excellence in their fields, who have demonstrated extraordinary compassion for others, and who personify the University’s mission of Catholic and Jesuit excellence and service. Since its inaugural dinner in 2002, the PBC has generated nearly $20 million for the Presidential Scholarship Endowment Fund.
To find out more about this year’s dinner and our honorees, visit the PBC Dinner link. To register for this year’s dinner or to make your contribution, visit the RSVP link. For more information on this year's event or the PBC, please contact Tim Pryle at (570) 941-5837 or pbc@scranton.edu.