Fulbright Scholar Will Lead 'Celebrate Argentina' Event Oct. 26
On Wednesday, Oct. 26, the University of Scranton community is invited to “Celebrate Argentina”. This Spanish cultural event is being led by Magali Ferrer, Fulbright scholar and graduate teaching assistant in the World Languages Department at the University for the 2022-2023 academic year.
The event will take place in Leahy Hall 235, the Kane Forum, from 4 to 5 p.m. Various cultural activities will take place, including preparing traditional Argentinian drinks, playing games, and participating in trivia. Everyone is encouraged to attend and experience a celebration of Argentina.
Ferrer, who is from San Rafael, Mendoza, a city located in the western central part of Argentina, said that Argentinian culture is very family focused.
Ferrer explained: “Family and friends get together to celebrate anything happening, even small things." She said that because of the family-centered culture “You will never, ever be alone.”
"I am really excited about being part of the Scranton community, and I hope to meet many of you while I am here!" said Ferrer.
Last month, Ferrer opened the University's Global Insights program for 2022-23 with a presentation on her home country.