Downtown Scavenger Hunt Sept. 1-2

The 13th Annual Downtown Scavenger Hunt on Sept. 1 and 2 will feature 26 participating downtown partners. It offers students an opportunity to explore the Scranton area and to learn more about its small businesses, cultural venues and unique features, such as historic landmarks and mural arts.
Downtown Scavenger Hunt Sept. 1-2

The 13th Annual Downtown Scavenger Hunt runs from 3 p.m. on Friday, Sept.1 through 9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 2. This event offers students a unique opportunity to explore the downtown Scranton area and to learn more about our small businesses, cultural venues and unique features, such as historic landmarks and mural arts.

This year’s Hunt features 26 participating downtown partners and the event includes a First Friday event on Sept.1 from 5 to 8 p.m. outside of Brown Hall located at 600 Linden Street.

The first 100 Hunt participants to stop by the First Friday event will receive a free Scavenger Hunt T-shirt. Refreshments will also be available. Registration with waiver is required in Royal Sync at:

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