End of the Year Drive: Many Items Welcome.

The University of Scranton's annual End of the Year Drive collects items that students would normally discard at the end of the academic year. A team of more than 20 underclassman volunteer to remain on campus after final exams to collect, sort and distribute the donations.
Accepted items include clothing, household goods, new and opened health and beauty products, cleaning products, small furniture, decor, hangers, bedding, towels, non-perishable food, working electronics, toys/sporting goods, rugs and books.
Donation boxes will be in all residence halls, the parking garage and the DeNaples Center beginning Thursday, May 4, through graduation.
Donations can also be dropped off directly to Arrupe House, 400 Clay Avenue. Beds, large furniture, mattresses, bed pillows, egg crate mattress pads or items that are broken will not be accepted.
Donated items will be sent to Friends of the Poor, Royals Restore Food Pantry, Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, St. Francis of Assisi, United Neighborhood Centers' Angel's Attic and more.
The annual drive is coordinated by The Center for Service & Social Justice, DeNaples 205B.
Contact ellen.judge@scranton.edu with any questions.