
View December Listing Page

December 22, 2011

Nine University of Scranton Students Named Scholars in Service

December 21, 2011

Multicultural Exhibit Featured at Area Children’s Museum

December 21, 2011

The University of Scranton to Conduct Financial Aid Workshop

December 19, 2011

Ready to Run Conference Prepares Women to Enter Politics

Women in northeastern and central Pennsylvania who want to run for office or get involved with public service now have a place to turn for valuable training. On Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012, The University of Scranton will host its inaugural Ready to Run™ conference in Brennan Hall on campus.
December 19, 2011

University Community Donates Hundreds of Gifts to Those in Need This Christmas

More than 350 University of Scranton students, faculty and staff donated more than 700 individual holiday gifts, including clothing and toys, to those in need, in addition to “adopting” 88 children, through the “adopt an angel” program in which sponsors provide multiple gifts for a child.
December 14, 2011

University Plans Christmas Day Breakfast for Community

More than 350 University of Scranton students, faculty and staff donated more than 700 individual holiday gifts, including clothing and toys, to those in need, in addition to “adopting” 88 children, through the “adopt an angel” program in which sponsors provide multiple gifts for a child.
December 13, 2011

University Community Donates Thousands of Children’s Books This Christmas

More than 350 University of Scranton students, faculty and staff donated more than 700 individual holiday gifts, including clothing and toys, to those in need, in addition to “adopting” 88 children, through the “adopt an angel” program in which sponsors provide multiple gifts for a child.
December 12, 2011


More than 350 University of Scranton students, faculty and staff donated more than 700 individual holiday gifts, including clothing and toys, to those in need, in addition to “adopting” 88 children, through the “adopt an angel” program in which sponsors provide multiple gifts for a child.
December 6, 2011

The University of Scranton Targets Students with ‘Shop Scranton, Shop Local’

More than 350 University of Scranton students, faculty and staff donated more than 700 individual holiday gifts, including clothing and toys, to those in need, in addition to “adopting” 88 children, through the “adopt an angel” program in which sponsors provide multiple gifts for a child.
December 5, 2011

University Announces Class of 2015 Presidential Scholars

The University of Scranton has awarded 10 incoming students four-year, full-tuition Presidential Scholarships.
December 5, 2011

Ready to Run Changing the Landscape of Regional Politics

Research shows that women who hold public office focus more on issues of concern to women, children, and disadvantaged groups of citizens; build more consensus; and are more connected to their constituents than their male counterparts; according to Jean Wahl Harris, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Political Science Department at The University of Scranton.
December 5, 2011

Book by Scranton’s Sondra Myers Featured in Rwanda

Sondra Myers, senior fellow for international, civic and cultural projects and director of the Schemel Forum at The University of Scranton, has received national and international recognition for her efforts to make education, culture and democracy accessible and relevant to all citizens.
December 5, 2011

Seventeen University of Scranton Faculty Receive Promotions

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.


View November Listing Page

November 23, 2011

University of Scranton Performance Gift to Community

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 23, 2011

The University of Scranton Establishes The Jesuit Center

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 18, 2011

Dedication of Pilarz Hall

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 18, 2011

University Dedicates Building in Honor of Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 18, 2011

Apartment and fitness complex on Mulberry Street

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 15, 2011

Community Asked to Support Student Aid

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 14, 2011

Award-Winning Author Discusses ‘Being Young and Arab in America’

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 14, 2011

The University of Scranton Names Three New Trustees

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 9, 2011

University of Scranton Symphonic Band Set to Perform Saturday

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 9, 2011

University Announces December Calendar of Events

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
November 3, 2011

The University of Scranton Plans Political Engagement Week

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.


View October Listing Page

October 28, 2011

Subject of ‘A Beautiful Mind’ and Nobel Laureate to Talk at Scranton

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 28, 2011

Economist, Co-author of ‘Why Nations Fail’ to Speak at Scranton

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 25, 2011

Listing Ranks Scranton Among Nation’s Top Producers of Fulbright Students

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 24, 2011

Emmy Award-winning Journalist to Speak at Scranton’s Diversity Fair

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 24, 2011

Jewish POW in Nazi Germany to Lecture at The University of Scranton

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 24, 2011

Students Provide ‘Food for Thought’ to Commemorate National Food Day

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 24, 2011

Dominick Farinacci to Perform with The University of Scranton Jazz Band

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 24, 2011

Housing Crisis, Idea of Home Come Together in Art Gallery Exhibition

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 20, 2011

The University of Scranton Opens Fitness Center on Mulberry Street

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 18, 2011

Film Festival Exposes Rebellion Behind Iron Curtain

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 14, 2011

The Princeton Review Lists Scranton Among ‘Best 294 Business Schools’

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 13, 2011

University Announces November Calendar of Events

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 13, 2011

Mulberry Street Improvement Project Enters Its Final Phase

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 13, 2011

Bus Excursion Discovers Art, History and Future of Newark

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 13, 2011

disAbility Conference Celebrates 10th Year

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 11, 2011

Mary Beth Farrell Becomes First Woman to Receive President’s Medal

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 10, 2011

University of Scranton Appoints New Faculty Members

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.
October 10, 2011

Law, Medical and Graduate School Fair Planned for Area Residents

The University of Scranton granted the following 17 faculty promotions and/or tenure effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year.


View September Listing Page

September 28, 2011

University Announces October Calendar of Events

Through Oct. 7 Exhibit: Taiwan Sublime: Four Photography Masters’ Visions of the Treasure Island featuring the photography of Chi Po-lin, Liu Chen-hsiang Chen Chih-hsiung. The show is co-sponsored by the Taipei economic and Cultural Office, New York, N.Y., and the Asian Studies Program at The University of Scranton. Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free during gallery hours. Call 941-4214.
September 28, 2011

University of Scranton Asian Studies Concentration Receives Pennsylvania’s K-16 Collaboration Award

The University of Scranton’s Asian Studies concentration, along with the Abington Heights School District, were selected to receive the Commonwealth’s 2011 “Bringing the World to Pennsylvania: K-16 Collaboration Award” for their innovative cooperation on Chinese language and cultural instruction.
September 28, 2011

Scranton Student Leaders Discover Their Roles and Themselves at the Royal Summit

The University of Scranton’s Center for Student Engagement hosted its first annual Royal Summit recently at the Bryn Mawr Mountain Retreat and Convention Center. Twenty-nine student leaders along with three staff members took part in the event intended to hone individual leadership skills as participants networked with other student leaders and engaged in teambuilding exercises.
September 28, 2011

Grigorescu Named Director of Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence at The University of Scranton

The University of Scranton’s Center for Student Engagement hosted its first annual Royal Summit recently at the Bryn Mawr Mountain Retreat and Convention Center. Twenty-nine student leaders along with three staff members took part in the event intended to hone individual leadership skills as participants networked with other student leaders and engaged in teambuilding exercises.
September 23, 2011

New York Trumpet Ensemble Scheduled to Perform at The University of Scranton

The New York Trumpet Ensemble, directed by acclaimed trumpeter Mark Gould, along with jazz pianist Adam Birnbaum and bassist Phil Keuhn, will perform at The University of Scranton on Saturday, Oct. 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the University’s Houlihan-McLean Center. Admission is free, and the performance is open to the public.
September 21, 2011

Tenth Annual President’s Business Council Dinner Honors Mary Beth Farrell

Mary Beth Farrell of The University of Scranton’s class of 1979 and former executive vice president of AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company will be presented with the Jesuit university’s President’s Medal at the President’s Business Council (PBC) Tenth Annual Award Dinner on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2011, at The Pierre in New York City.
September 19, 2011

Scranton disAbility Conference Celebrates a Decade of Impact and Growth

It’s no accident that The University of Scranton’s Northeastern U.S. Conference on disAbility is celebrating its 10th anniversary as a powerful magnet for leaders and leading-edge research – helping people with disabilities maximize their quality of life.
September 19, 2011

Collaboration and Learning Part of Summer Vacation at Scranton

While many members of The University of Scranton community spent the past summer pursuing noteworthy internships, research, travel and other projects, a small sampling of such summer projects of students, faculty and staff includes a pair of internships, two international trips and a research project.
September 16, 2011

The University of Scranton Inaugurates Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., as President

In a celebration of The University of Scranton’s tradition and accomplishments, as well as its future as a leading Jesuit university in the 21st century, the University conducted its Inauguration Ceremony for its 25th president, Rev. Kevin P. Quinn, S.J.
September 16, 2011

Quick Facts: The Inauguration Ceremony of Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., as The University of Scranton’s 25th President

Inauguration Date: September 16, 2011
September 13, 2011

U.S. News Ranks The University of Scranton in Top 10 Best Regional Universities

U.S. News & World Report ranked The University of Scranton among the top 10 “Best Regional Universities in the North,” among “Great Schools at a Great Price,” and among just 45 “up and coming” colleges in the nation.
September 9, 2011

Gift to The University of Scranton Supports Scholarship and Lecture

Recent gifts of $100,000 from Mrs. Eleanor Volpe and $100,000 from her son, Charles J. Volpe, Jr., Esq., a 1982 graduate of The University of Scranton, generously increase their scholarship endowment established in the name of their husband and father, respectively.
September 7, 2011

University of Scranton Faculty Awarded Summer Grants

A dozen members of The University of Scranton’s faculty were selected by the Faculty Development Board to receive research grants for the summer 2011.
September 7, 2011

Nine University of Scranton Students Receive Summer Research Awards

Nine University of Scranton students received 2011 President’s Fellowship for Summer Research Awards
September 6, 2011

The University of Scranton Nationally Ranked Among Service-Oriented Colleges

The University of Scranton is among the nation’s leading service-oriented colleges according to a ranking published in the 2011 September/October issue of Washington Monthly.
September 1, 2011

University Announces Fall Calendar of Events

Sept. 8 7:30 p.m. Lecture: “Christian versus Secular Bioethics: Incompatible Visions of Morality and Reality” presented by Tristram Engelhardt, Ph.D., M.D., professor of philosophy Rice University and former Rosemary Kennedy chair at the Kennedy Institute Center for Bioethics at Georgetown University. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Free. Call 941-4545.
September 1, 2011

Workshop Teaches Students About Taiwanese and Chinese Music, Culture

The Asian Studies Concentration at The University of Scranton will host area elementary, middle and high school students for an interactive educational performance by the Chai Found Music Workshop, an internationally acclaimed Chinese and Taiwanese chamber music ensemble from Taipei, Taiwan.


View August Listing Page

August 30, 2011

Science Center Places Science Education in Plain View

The first thing visitors notice upon entering the expansive, newly constructed portion of Loyola Science Center is what isn’t there – walls. Glass from floor to ceiling throughout phase one of the center exposes science being taught and learned at The University of Scranton.
August 30, 2011

Loyola Science Center Quick Facts

Total Square Footage: Approximately 200,000
August 29, 2011

Inauguration Lecture Examines ‘Making Human Rights and Religious Friends’

World-renowned human rights lawyer Rev. Frank Brennan, S.J., will discuss the quandary of fighting for human rights while trying to preserve or form friendships among apparent foes at the Inauguration Lecture on Tuesday, Sept. 13, which is one of a series of events commemorating the inauguration of Rev. Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., as The University of Scranton’s 25th president.
August 26, 2011

Fall Welcome, Move-in Update – Friday Afternoon

World-renowned human rights lawyer Rev. Frank Brennan, S.J., will discuss the quandary of fighting for human rights while trying to preserve or form friendships among apparent foes at the Inauguration Lecture on Tuesday, Sept. 13, which is one of a series of events commemorating the inauguration of Rev. Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., as The University of Scranton’s 25th president.
August 26, 2011

RAs Rave About Downtown Scranton

Students devoured delicious gourmet chocolate, sipped organic smoothies, purchased unique Electric City pillows, eco-friendly soaps, “up-cycled” jewelry and one-of-a-kind accessories, and even shopped at an Apple store – the computer, not the fruit – all without ever leaving downtown Scranton.
August 26, 2011

Fall Welcome, Move-in Update

Students devoured delicious gourmet chocolate, sipped organic smoothies, purchased unique Electric City pillows, eco-friendly soaps, “up-cycled” jewelry and one-of-a-kind accessories, and even shopped at an Apple store – the computer, not the fruit – all without ever leaving downtown Scranton.
August 25, 2011

Taiwanese Chamber Music Concert Illustrates Interdependence

One of the intentions of Interdependence Day is to promote a better understanding of the connectedness of people of different cultures and communities and how these relationships affect one another
August 23, 2011

‘FIRST’ University of Scranton Freshmen Arrive to Volunteer

Forty-four members of The University of Scranton’s Class of 2015 will arrive earlier than their classmates to participate in FIRST (Freshmen Involved in Reflective Service Together), a reflective service immersion program now in its ninth year at the Jesuit university.
August 22, 2011

The University to Welcome Largest Incoming Class in its History

The University of Scranton is preparing to welcome the largest incoming undergraduate class in its history – 1,059 members of the Class of 2015. The incoming students will arrive on campus on Saturday, Aug. 27. In addition, Scranton will also welcome 80 transfer students and 200 new graduate students this weekend.
August 22, 2011

disAbility Conference at The University of Scranton Promotes Opportunities for Life

The Honorable Lynnae M. Ruttledge, commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education, heads the list of keynote speakers at The University of Scranton’s 10th annual Northeastern U.S. Conference on disAbility on Wednseday, Oct. 5.
August 16, 2011

University of Scranton Plans Inauguration for its 25th President

The Inauguration Ceremony of Rev. Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., as The University of Scranton’s 25th president will take place on Friday, Sept. 16, in the William J. Byron, S.J., Recreation Complex. The ceremony, which is open to the public, is part of a weeklong series of events intended to introduce the new president to the University’s constituents, both in the greater Scranton region, as well as among higher education institutions in the nation.
August 16, 2011

University Announces September Calendar of Events

Sept. 3 9 p.m. The University of Scranton Jazz Ensemble will perform at “La Festa Italiana.” Court House Square, Scranton. Free. Call 941-7624.
August 9, 2011

Taiwanese Photographers’ Views of Homeland Featured in Art Gallery Exhibit

Taiwan, the Republic of China, is a land known for both its natural and cultural diversity, ranging from vast mountains and forests to bustling cities and traditional arts. The works of four Taiwanese photographers show why their home cannot truly be represented by words alone.
August 8, 2011

Appetizing World Affairs Lectures Offered at Scranton’s Luncheon Series

The University of Scranton offers area residents food for thought during the fall semester through a program offered by the Schemel Forum. Participants of five World Affairs Luncheon Seminars will explore a wide range of global topics.
August 8, 2011

Forbes Ranks The University of Scranton Among Top 200 of ‘America’s Best Colleges’

The University of Scranton is ranked No. 170 among the nation’s elite universities included in Forbes magazine’s online listing of “America’s Best Colleges.”
August 2, 2011

The University of Scranton Named Among Nation’s Best Colleges for 10th Year

For the 10th consecutive year, The Princeton Review named The University of Scranton among the select schools in the nation profiled in “The Best 376 Colleges,” which became available in bookstores on Aug. 2, 2011. The 2012 edition of the college guidebook lists just 15 percent of the nation’s 2,500 four-year colleges and universities.
August 2, 2011

Local Students Participate in University of Success

Photo Caption: Students attending the University of Success Summer Institute at The University of Scranton participated in hands on projects, presentations and field trips to develop skills needed to successfully finish high school and gain acceptance to college.
August 1, 2011

University of Scranton Plans Fair for Nonprofit Organizations Seeking Volunteers

Photo Caption: Students attending the University of Success Summer Institute at The University of Scranton participated in hands on projects, presentations and field trips to develop skills needed to successfully finish high school and gain acceptance to college.
August 1, 2011

Legacy of Scranton Alumnus Continues Through Million Dollar Donation

Photo Caption: Students attending the University of Success Summer Institute at The University of Scranton participated in hands on projects, presentations and field trips to develop skills needed to successfully finish high school and gain acceptance to college.
August 1, 2011

Schemel Forum Courses Explore the Universe and Two Icons Who Helped Shape Our World

Photo Caption: Students attending the University of Success Summer Institute at The University of Scranton participated in hands on projects, presentations and field trips to develop skills needed to successfully finish high school and gain acceptance to college.


View July Listing Page

July 25, 2011

Schemel Forum’s University for a Day Focuses on America and the World

Area residents will have the opportunity to experience college through an innovative program offered by the Schemel Forum at The University of Scranton. University for a Day, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 17, focuses this year on “America and the World.”
July 22, 2011

First Recipient of the William and Elizabeth Burkavage Fellowship in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Named

Area residents will have the opportunity to experience college through an innovative program offered by the Schemel Forum at The University of Scranton. University for a Day, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 17, focuses this year on “America and the World.”
July 19, 2011

University’s Schemel Forum Offers Collaborative Programs to Community

Area residents will have the opportunity to experience college through an innovative program offered by the Schemel Forum at The University of Scranton. University for a Day, scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 17, focuses this year on “America and the World.”
July 11, 2011

Orientation Begins for Scranton’s Class of 2015

In his first official act as the president of The University of Scranton, Rev. Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., welcomed incoming students of Scranton’s class of 2015 and their parents and guests at orientation.
July 11, 2011

University of Scranton College Democrats Receive National Award

The University of Scranton College Democrats chapter were among just four in the nation to receive the “Rising Star Chapter Award” at the annual College Democrats of America Conference held in June at George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
July 6, 2011

Graduates Commissioned as Second Lieutenants

The University of Scranton College Democrats chapter were among just four in the nation to receive the “Rising Star Chapter Award” at the annual College Democrats of America Conference held in June at George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
July 6, 2011

Scranton’s Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi Names Teacher of the Year

The University of Scranton College Democrats chapter were among just four in the nation to receive the “Rising Star Chapter Award” at the annual College Democrats of America Conference held in June at George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
July 6, 2011

Staff Appointments at The University of Scranton

Staff Appointments at The University of Scranton


View June Listing Page

June 13, 2011

Six University of Scranton Graduates Earn Fulbright Scholarships

Six University of Scranton graduates will make the most of their individual talents and interests as they share with – and learn from – cultures across the world as Fulbright scholars.
June 10, 2011

July Calendar of Events

July 5-8 9 a.m. Lady Royals Basketball Camp for girls ages 8 through 16. Long Center gymnasium. Preregistration required. $120.00 fee. Call 941-6660 or e-mail klingmand2@scranton.edu.
June 10, 2011

Biology Professor Named Teacher of the Year

Michael A. Hardisky, Ph.D., professor of biology, has been named Teacher of the Year by The University of Scranton’s Class of 2011. “I am really surprised and humbled by this award from my students,” he said.
June 10, 2011

2011 Spring Deans List

2011 Spring Deans List
June 8, 2011

Debut Performance of Scranton Brass Orchestra Slated for Sunday

The Scranton Brass Orchestra will present its debut performance on Sunday, June 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Houlihan McLean Center at The University of Scranton. Admission is free, and the performance is open to the public.
June 8, 2011

Dean's List Fall 2010 Additions

The following students were added to The University of Scranton Dean’s List for the fall 2010 semester after publication of the list in January of 2011.
June 8, 2011

Area Police Chiefs Hear About ‘Sustaining Community Policing in Tough Economic Times’ at The University of Scranton

The Criminal Justice Department of The University of Scranton hosted local law enforcement officials for lecture by a leading community policing expert and the co-developer of the “Broken Windows” theory – George Kelling, Ph.D., professor of criminal justice at Rutgers University.
June 8, 2011

High School Students Win Computer Programming Contest

Computer-savvy high school students competed to solve computer-programming problems at The University of Scranton’s 17th annual Computer Programming Contest held recently on campus.
June 7, 2011

University of Scranton Student Needs Your Vote for Neighborhood Playground

A communication major at The University of Scranton has submitted a plan to develop a playground for underprivileged children in Scranton.
June 7, 2011

The University of Scranton Meets with Downtown Business Owners to Explore New Cooperative Initiatives

The University of Scranton’s Office of Community Relations convened a meeting with downtown Scranton businesses to explore new tools for University downtown cooperation.
June 3, 2011

Twelve to Receive University of Scranton’s O’Hara Awards

The University of Scranton will present its annual Frank J. O’Hara Awards to 12 alumni during Alumni Reunion Weekend June 10-12.


View May Listing Page

May 28, 2011

The University of Scranton Conducts Undergraduate Commencement

The University of Scranton conferred more than 970 bachelor’s and associate’s degrees at its undergraduate commencement on Sunday, May 29, 2011, at Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre.
May 28, 2011

2011 Undergraduate Commencement address by Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.

2011 Undergraduate Commencement address by Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.
May 28, 2011

Members of Undergraduate Class of 2011 Recognized at Class Night

The University of Scranton honored 68 outstanding members of its undergraduate Class of 2011 at Class Night on May 27.
May 28, 2011

Scranton Confers a Record Number Degrees at Two Ceremonies

The University of Scranton will confer more than 1,700 degrees at two commencement ceremonies Memorial Day weekend representing the largest graduating class in the 123-year history of the Jesuit university.
May 27, 2011

Quick Facts: University of Scranton Commencement 2011

Quick Facts: University of Scranton Commencement 2011
May 27, 2011

Doors Open for Scranton’s Class of 2011 Goldwater Scholars

In the rarefied world of university scholarship there are three kinds of students: smart, really smart and Goldwater scholars.
May 25, 2011

University and High School Students Advance to Integration Bee Finals

The University of Scranton’s Mathematics Department held its fourth annual Integration Bee recently on campus for high school and college students.
May 25, 2011

Chinese Opera Celebrated in Scranton

Nearly 1,800 area residents attended a free, public performance of “Bond,” an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice,” by the Taiwan BangZi Opera Company at the Scranton Cultural Center.
May 25, 2011

Nearly Forty Nations Represented at Scranton’s Diversity Festival

International students, faculty and staff at The University of Scranton enthusiastically represented their native cultures through a mix of meals, native dress, artifacts and music at a Diversity Festival held on campus in May.
May 23, 2011

University Plans Commencement Events

The University of Scranton will host numerous events in honor of the graduating Class of 2011 culminating with commencement ceremonies for master’s and doctoral degree candidates on Saturday, May 28 and for undergraduate students on Sunday, May 29.
May 23, 2011

Weinberg Memorial Library Awards Students for Research Projects

Rosemary Shaver, a junior with a double major in history and political science who also participates in The University of Scranton’s Honors Program, was selected as the winner of the inaugural Weinberg Memorial Library Research Prize.
May 23, 2011

Scranton Named to President’s Community Service Honor Roll

The University of Scranton was named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for 2010.
May 23, 2011

Students Inducted into National Honor Societies at Scranton

Students have been inducted into National Honor Societies represented at The University of Scranton throughout the 2011 spring semester
May 20, 2011

Nursing Professor Recognized by The University of Scranton

The University of Scranton named Patricia Harrington, RN, Ed.D., associate professor and chair of the Nursing Department, its CASE Professor of the Year in recognition of her outstanding performance as a member of the faculty.
May 20, 2011

Students Participate in National Advertising Competition

Sixteen University of Scranton seniors participated in the American Advertising Federation’s National Student Advertising Competition as part of a six-credit, two-semester course taught by Communication Professor Stacy Smulowitz, Ph.D. candidate.
May 19, 2011

Philosophy Professor Receives Alpha Sigma Nu Teaching Award

Daniel Haggerty, Ph.D., associate professor of philosophy at The University of Scranton, was presented the 2011 Alpha Sigma Nu Teacher of the Year Award (formally the Edward Gannon, S.J., Award for Teaching).
May 19, 2011

Students Listed in “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges”

Fifty-nine undergraduate students at The University of Scranton have been included in the 2011 edition of “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.”
May 19, 2011

Students Inducted into National Jesuit Honor Society

Fifty-eight University of Scranton students inducted into Alpha Sigma Nu, the national honor society for students in Jesuit colleges and universities, at a ceremony held recently on campus.
May 13, 2011

University to Name Building in Honor of Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.

The University of Scranton’s Board of Trustees announced that the west building of the Mulberry Street apartment and fitness complex will be named Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., Hall in recognition of 24th president’s leadership and service to the Jesuit university.
May 13, 2011

Water wheels and cannons used to test high school students knowledge of physics

More than 100 area high school students used a Rube Goldberg contraption involving a water wheel and a complex series of other devices to launch an egg through a cannon as part of The University of Scranton annual Kane Competition.
May 13, 2011

Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Present Check for Corcoran Scholarship at The University of Scranton

The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of Lackawanna County recently presented a check to The University of Scranton for the Dr. John Corcoran Scholarship for Study in Ireland.
May 13, 2011

Fulbright Scholars at Scranton Share Cultures

Fulbright Scholars, who are among the most outstanding students in their countries selected to come to the United States to teach their native languages for one year, have served as teaching assistants in The University of Scranton’s in the Department of World Languages and Cultures for the 2011/2100 academic year.
May 13, 2011

Prudential Supports University of Success Teen Mentoring Program

The Prudential Foundation presented a donation of $15,000 to support the University of Success at The University of Scranton, which provides mentoring and tutoring in academics and social and cultural opportunities designed to motivate students to complete high school successfully and to enroll in post-secondary education.
May 12, 2011

Scranton Celebrates Pride, Passion, Promise Campaign Success

The University of Scranton celebrated surpassing the $125 million goal of the Pride, Passion, Promise Campaign at a dinner attended by nearly 200 major benefactors, trustees, campaign committee members, students, faculty, administrators and staff.
May 12, 2011


May 11, 2011

Scranton Surpasses Pride, Passion, Promise Campaign Goal of $125 Million

The University of Scranton has successfully surpassed the most ambitious capital campaign goal in its history, raising a historic $128.5 million as of May 10, 2011.
May 10, 2011

University Names Annual Athletic Awards Dinner in Honor of Pete Carlesimo

The University of Scranton named its annual Athletic Award Dinner in honor of the late Peter A. Carlesimo, who served the University for nearly 25 years as head coach of the football (1944-1950), basketball (1944-1946; 1951-1955) and cross-country (1953-1968) programs and as director of athletics (1953-1968).
May 10, 2011

June Calendar of Events

June 10-12 University of Scranton Alumni Reunion Weekend. Call 1-800-SCRANTON for information or visit www.scrantonalumnicommunity.com.
May 5, 2011

Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., to Serve as Principal Speaker at 2011 Undergraduate Commencement

This year’s commencement speaker is already well-known on campus. The University’s Board of Trustees has invited Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., the 24th president of The University of Scranton, to serve as the principal speaker at the 2011 undergraduate commencement on May 29.
May 5, 2011

Three to Receive Honorary Degrees from Scranton

The University of Scranton will confer three honorary degrees during its 111th Commencement Ceremony for undergraduate students on Sunday, May 29, at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Wilkes-Barre.
May 2, 2011

Scranton Professor Discusses Civil War Medicine for C-SPAN Broadcast

A lecture by University of Scranton History Professor Kathryn Meier, Ph.D., about “Civil War Medicine” was broadcast nationally this weekend by C-SPAN.
May 2, 2011

Change to University of Scranton May Art Exhibit

The “25th Annual Student Exhibition” will remain on display in the Hope Horn Gallery from May 1 to May 13, in place of the planned student photography club exhibit.


View April Listing Page

April 29, 2011

Former Inmates and College Students Unite for Original Play

Childhood reflections of former inmates will be juxtaposed with memories of college students in a new production created by the students, former prisoners and award-winning playwright Nancy Hasty.
April 29, 2011

National Debate Championship Draws Elite High School Students to Campus

More than 300 students from high schools across the country participated in the 2011 National Debate Coaches Association’s (NDCA) National Championships, hosted by The University of Scranton and Scranton High School in April.
April 29, 2011

University-hosted Chinese Opera Events Are a Hit in Community

An audience of nearly 1,800 filled the Scranton Cultural Center for a rare U.S. performance from the world-renown BangZi Opera Company, presented by The University of Scranton in April.
April 28, 2011

Group Organizes Free COLTS Bus Service for Students, Faculty and Staff

The team of University of Scranton students and staff have met with representatives from COLTS to offer free bus service on select routes for University students, faculty and staff.
April 27, 2011

Diversity Festival Planned at University of Scranton

The sights, sounds and tastes of more than 30 countries will be represented at The University of Scranton’s Diversity Festival, planned for Friday, May 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. on the Dionne Campus Green.
April 21, 2011

Expert on Jewish Identity to Lecture at The University of Scranton

The Weinberg Judaic Studies Institute of The University of Scranton will host a lecture by Leonard Saxe, Ph.D., a social psychologist, methodologist and policy analyst whose current research focuses on Jewish identity and engagement.
April 18, 2011

Elite AACSB International Business School Accreditation Renewed for Scranton

The Kania School of Management at The University of Scranton will continue to be counted among the elite colleges accredited by the rigorous standards of AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
April 18, 2011

The University of Scranton Hosts Inaugural Conference on Aging Research

By the year 2020, America’s 65-plus-year-old population will swell to more than 80 million.
April 18, 2011

Interdisciplinary Research on Aging at Scranton Has Far-reaching Benefits

Interdisciplinary research among University of Scranton faculty and students from the Departments of Physics, Psychology, Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Occupational Therapy is creating a ripple effect among health care, social, business and government organizations.
April 15, 2011

University Scholars in Service Create Mural for Model Behavior at Elementary School

Six University of Scranton students are capping off their year as AmeriCorps Scholars in Service to Pennsylvania by leading an effort to paint a 50-foot mural that encourages positive behavior at Scranton’s Bancroft Elementary School.
April 13, 2011

University of Scranton May Calendar of Events

May 1 through May 13 Exhibit: Viewpoints: Works by the University of Scranton Photography Club. Hyland Hall, Hope Horn Gallery. Free during gallery hours. Call 941-4214.
April 13, 2011

Homeboy Industries Founder Honored For Service to Ignatian Mission

Rev. Gregory Boyle, S.J., sees his work with Los Angeles gang members as developing “a community of kinship.”
April 12, 2011

B.o.B. Concert Slated at University of Scranton

The University of Scranton Programming Board (USPB) has announced that B.o.B. will perform at The John J. Long, S.J., Center on Friday, May 13, at 8 p.m.
April 11, 2011

Wide Range of Topics Explored at Scranton’s Psychology Conference

A presentation on a biological aspect of psychology, discussions of testing for extrasensory perception and the new phenomenon ofmental health courts, and a workshop to help psychology majors apply to graduate school highlight the 26th University of Scranton Psychology Conference. The event will be held on Saturday, April 16, in Brennan Hall on campus.
April 8, 2011

Weinberg Memorial Library to host first Environmental Art Show

University of Scranton students, faculty and staff will showcase their best environmentally themed works of art at the Weinberg Memorial Library’s very first Environmental Art Show, opening April 14.
April 8, 2011

Book Prices Begin at $1 at Annual Weinberg Memorial Library Book and Plant Sale

The University of Scranton’s Weinberg Memorial Library will hold its annual Book and Plant Sale on for Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. and Sunday, May 1, from noon until 4 p.m. in the Scranton Heritage Room on the fifth floor of the library.
April 8, 2011

Acclaimed Chinese Opera Company Performs in Scranton

The University of Scranton will present a rare U.S. performance of “Bond,” an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice,” on Friday, April 15, at 7:30 p.m.
April 8, 2011

National High School Debate Tournament Comes to Scranton

Elite high school students from across the country will travel to Scranton to compete in a national debate tournament hosted by Scranton High School and The University of Scranton.
April 8, 2011

Scranton Student Represents Pennsylvania as National Truman Scholar

A triple major who maintains a 3.98 grade point average while participating in The University of Scranton’s rigorous Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program, is one of just 60 students from 54 colleges in the nation selected as a 2011 Truman Scholar.
April 8, 2011

The Late Peter A. Carlesimo To Be Honored By University of Scranton

The late Peter A. Carlesimo was many things to many people at The University of Scranton.
April 4, 2011

University of Scranton Earth Week Events Highlight Green Initiatives

Representatives from area businesses who want to show off their “green” don’t have to wait until next year’s St. Patrick’s Day.
April 4, 2011

University of Scranton Launches Community Website & Newsletter

Starting this week, local residents, nonprofits and businesses will have new resources for information about The University of Scranton.
April 4, 2011

Scranton Student Earns Prestigious Goldwater Scholarship

The ninth University of Scranton student in the past nine years has earned one of the nation’s most coveted honors in science, mathematics and engineering – the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship.
April 4, 2011

Grammy Award-Nominated Composer and Arranger To Premiere Two Compositions at Scranton

World-renowned saxophonist, and Grammy-nominated composer and arranger Ted Nash will appear at The University of Scranton as the featured guest composer of the 28th annual World Premiere Composition Series Concert on Friday, April 15.


View March Listing Page

April 1, 2011

Scranton Student Represents Pennsylvania as National Truman Scholar

A triple major who maintains a 3.98 grade point average while participating in The University of Scranton’s rigorous Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program, is one of just 60 students from 54 colleges in the nation – and the only scholar to Pennsylvania – selected as a 2011 Truman Scholar.
March 31, 2011

Expert on Jewish Ethics and Interfaith Relations to Lecture at The University of Scranton

The Weinberg Judaic Studies Institute of The University of Scranton welcomes Eugene Korn, Ph.D., a scholar and teacher in the fields of Jewish ethics and law, theology and interfaith relations.
March 31, 2011

Carnival of Chinese Opera Comes to Scranton

Area middle and high school students can learn about Chinese Opera through a free, interactive “carnival” offered by the world-renowned Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company at The University of Scranton.
March 31, 2011

University of Scranton Goes Mobile

Smartphone users can connect more easily with The University of Scranton thanks to a new app and mobile website designed for the iPhone and Android.
March 29, 2011

Mahatma Gandhi’s Grandson to Speak at Scranton

As part of its 2010 – 2011 Education for Justice theme of peace and reconciliation, The University of Scranton will host a lecture by Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and past president of Initiatives of Change International.
March 29, 2011

Professor Vinson’s Research Shows Walnuts as ‘Top Nut’ for Heart-healthy Antioxidants

A new scientific study by University of Scranton Chemistry Professor Joe Vinson, Ph.D., positions walnuts in the No. 1 slot among a family of foods that lay claim to being among Mother Nature’s most nearly perfect packaged foods: tree and ground nuts.
March 29, 2011

University to Present Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Award to Rev. Gregory Boyle, S.J.

The University of Scranton will present its annual Pedro Arrupe, S.J., Award for Distinguished Contributions to Ignatian Mission and Ministries to Rev. Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder and chief executive officer of Homeboy Industries, at a University assembly in the Rose Room of Brennan Hall on Thursday, April 7, at 11:30 a.m.
March 28, 2011

Economist who Sees Business as Agent for Positive Social Change to Speak at Scranton

A leading proponent of the transformational role business can play in world affairs will deliver the Henry George Lecture at The University of Scranton on Monday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. Glenn Hubbard, Ph.D., dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and the Russell L. Carson Professor of Economics and Finance, will present “Business Knowledge and the Good Life” in the McIlhenny Ballroom of the DeNaples Center. The lecture is presented free of charge.
March 25, 2011

Asian Studies Presents Cultural ‘Tour’: India, Nepal, Bhutan

The Asian Studies Concentration will continue its yearlong “Tour of Asia” through a series of events that celebrate the cultures of India, Nepal and Bhutan on March 30 and 31. All events are free and open to the public.
March 25, 2011

Liva Arts Company Takes the Stage with ‘Rent’

The University of Scranton’s student-run musical theatre group, the Liva Arts Company, will present Jonathan Larson’s musical “Rent” April 14 – 17 in the Jefferson Auditorium of Leahy Hall.
March 24, 2011

Students from One of the Nation’s Premier Music Conservatories to Perform with Scranton Singers

The Manhattan School of Music Brass Orchestra will present a concert in conjunction with The University of Scranton Singers on Sunday, April 3. The concert, which is free of charge and open to the public, will be held in the Houlihan-McLean Center beginning at 7:30 p.m.
March 21, 2011

Scranton Among ‘America’s Best Graduate Schools’

The University of Scranton will be among “America’s Best Graduate Schools” listed in the 2012 edition of the U.S. News & World Report guidebook, to be published April 5, 2011.
March 21, 2011

University of Scranton Presents Sursum Corda Awards

The University of Scranton presented Sursum Corda (Lift Up Your Hearts) Awards to three staff members at a convocation held recently on campus.
March 21, 2011

Schemel Luncheon Series Serves ‘World Affairs Briefings’

Schemel Luncheon Series Serves ‘World Affairs Briefings’
March 18, 2011

25th Annual Student Exhibit Celebrates Creativity

Each year, The Hope Horn Gallery sponsors a juried exhibition featuring works by students enrolled at The University of Scranton.
March 11, 2011

James Bond as an All American Hero Discussed at Scranton

“James Bond, All-American Hero” is the title of a lecture by Jonathan Nashel, Ph.D., associate professor of history at Indiana University, South Bend, Ind, scheduled for Monday, March 14, at 4:30 p.m.
March 10, 2011

Chinese Opera Headlines Series of Cultural Events at The University of Scranton

Shakespeare goes east – Far East – as The University of Scranton presents a performance of “Bond,” an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice,” by the Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company.
March 10, 2011

University of Scranton April Calendar of Events

University of Scranton April Calendar of Events
March 10, 2011

Elementary School Students Visit University to Learn about Art and History

The beautiful paintings of Honesdale artist Jennie Brownscombe, currently on display at The University of Scranton’s Hope Horn Gallery, were used to “illustrate” interpretations of history in art during a recent hands-on workshop and gallery tour for students at St. Stanislaus Elementary School, Scranton.
March 10, 2011

Underground Railroad Exhibit and Book Signing Planned at University

The exhibit entitled “The Place I call Home: A Story of the Underground Railroad in NEPA” will be on display at the Heritage Room of the Weinberg Memorial Library from Thursday, March 10, to Friday, March 18.
March 10, 2011

University Offers New Resource for Parents

Not sure when commencement starts? Need to know where to park on move-in day? Don’t worry, help is here.
March 8, 2011

Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi to Deliver Education for Justice Lecture

As part of its 2010 – 2011 Education for Justice theme of peace and reconciliation, The University of Scranton will host a lecture by Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and past president of Initiatives of Change International.
March 4, 2011

Renowned Violinist to Perform at The University of Scranton

Performance Music at The University of Scranton will host a recital by renowned violinist Annamae Goldstein, accompanied by pianist Christopher Oldfather, on Sunday, March 13.
March 4, 2011

University of Scranton Plans Award for New York Times Best-selling Author

The University of Scranton’s Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library will honor Steve Berry, a New York Times Best-Selling author, with the 2011 Royden B. Davis, S.J., Distinguished Author Award on Saturday, March 19.
March 4, 2011

The University of Scranton Garners Four Advertising Awards

The University of Scranton received four Educational Advertising Awards in a national competition sponsored by the Higher Education Marketing Report.
March 4, 2011

University of Scranton Adds Electronic Master’s and Honors Theses Collection

The University of Scranton’s Weinberg Memorial Library has added a new Electronic Master’s and Honors Theses Collection to serve as a digital home for master’s and honors student scholarship.


View February Listing Page

February 28, 2011

Conference at University of Scranton Celebrates National Sportsmanship Day, Promotes Coaching Education

In celebration of the 21st annual National Sportsmanship Day, The University of Scranton will host class of 1966 alumnus John Walsh, executive vice president and executive editor of ESPN, Inc., during PIAA-sponsored conference entitled “Schools Shaping the Culture of Sport” on Tuesday, March 15, and Wednesday, March 16, at the DeNaples Center on campus.
February 28, 2011

University brings French film festival to Scranton

The University of Scranton is one of approximately 90 universities nationwide to host the Tournées Festival, a 15-year-old program offered by the French American Cultural Exchange.
February 22, 2011

The University of Scranton Sponsors Third Conference on Women and History in NEPA

“Women’s History in NEPA: So What?” will be the keynote topic presented at the Third Biennial Conference on Women and History in Northeastern Pennsylvania coming to The University of Scranton on Saturday, March 5.
February 21, 2011

Free Healthy Heart Fair Planned at The Mall at Steamtown

The University of Scranton’s Exercise Science Club hold its fourth annual Healthy Heart Fair at The Mall at Steamtown on Thursday, Feb. 24, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
February 18, 2011

University Hosts Programs for Area Elementary, Middle and High School Students

The University of Scranton is encouraging students from local school districts to test their math and science knowledge at several separate competitions, or to learn about art, history and culture through gallery workshops, theater productions or even through a performance by an internationally renown opera company.
February 16, 2011

Third Annual Gene Yevich Memorial Concert to Feature Wycliffe Gordon Quintet

The Wycliffe Gordon Quintet will headline the third annual Gene Yevich Memorial Concert. Presented on Sunday, Feb. 20, free of charge and open to the public, the concert is sponsored by former Scranton mayor Dave Wenzel and his wife Janet.
February 14, 2011

Scranton’s 2011 Distinguished Author as Interesting as His Characters

Cotton Malone, the main character of Steve Berry’s best-selling series of espionage thrillers, navigates through “… twists, turns, schemes and counter-schemes manifesting themselves by the second …” (the Los Angeles Times). It should come as no surprise that the author’s life is also very interesting.
February 14, 2011

New Director Named at the SBDC at The University of Scranton

Lisa M. Hall has been named as the director of The University of Scranton’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
February 14, 2011

University of Scranton March Calendar of Events

University of Scranton March Calendar of Events
February 8, 2011

Local Literature Scholar to Recite Translations of Belgian Poet’s Works

The Weinberg Memorial Library will host a reading of poems translated from “The Book of Snow” on Thursday, Feb. 10, at 7:30 p.m. Philip Mosley, Ph.D., professor of English and comparative literature at Penn State Worthington in Scranton, will perform a reading of Belgian poet François Jacqmin’s works while accompanied by classical guitar punctuations by Jason Smeltzer in the fifth-floor Heritage Room of the library.
February 4, 2011

Free Income Tax Assistance Service Offered

Low and moderate income individuals, families and senior citizens can once again receive free assistance in completing and filing their federal, state and local tax returns through The University of Scranton’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program and a group of local human service organizations led by the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties.
February 4, 2011

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Service Locations and Dates 2011

Accounting students from The University of Scranton and volunteers organized through a group of local human service organizations led by the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties will assist local residents with their tax returns as part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, a free service for clients with low and moderate incomes who need help with their basic tax returns.
February 4, 2011

Performance Music at Scranton Presents ‘Love Songs’ Valentine’s Weekend

The University of Scranton’s Jazz Ensemble will present “Love Songs” with guest artist Grammy award-winner Loren Schoenberg on Sunday, Feb. 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Houlihan-McLean Center. Admission is free and open to the public.
February 3, 2011

Head of Reconciliation Commission Speaks on Reconciliation in Rwanda

Bishop John Rucyahana (retired), the former Anglican Bishop of the Shyira Diocese of Rwanda and founder of the Mustard Seed Project, will present “Post Genocide Reconciliation,” at The University of Scranton on Tuesday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Moskovitz Theater of the DeNaples Center.
February 3, 2011

Lecture Focuses on the Importance of Christian-Muslim Understanding

With much being written about the impact of relations between Jews and Muslims on stability in the Middle East, a lecture at The University of Scranton titled “In Love with Islam, Believing in Jesus” will emphasize the importance of mutual understanding between Christians and Muslims for peace in the region.


View January Listing Page

January 31, 2011

Art and History Come to Life at University Gallery Workshops for Area Schools

The Hope Horn Gallery at The University of Scranton is opening its doors to area elementary, middle and high school students for educational, hands-on workshops during its upcoming exhibit, “An Ideal Subject: The Art of Jennie Brownscombe” from Friday, Feb. 4, to Friday, March. 18.
January 31, 2011

University of Scranton Graduate Students Earn Awards

Ten graduate students at The University of Scranton were named recipients of Frank O’Hara Awards, which recognizes students with the highest grade point average at approximately the mid-point of their master’s degree programs in each of Scranton’s graduate programs.
January 31, 2011

Schemel Forum Sets Spring Semester Programs

What do the Bible, Facebook, gender equality and the Golden Age of Italian cinema have in common? All of these subjects – and others – will be explored through programs offered by the Schemel Forum at The University of Scranton during the spring semester.
January 25, 2011

University of Scranton February Calendar of Events

University of Scranton February Calendar of Events
January 24, 2011

Ornamental Penmanship on Display at Library Exhibit

The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library is the new home for the Zaner-Bloser Penmanship Collection, which is one of the most extensive collections of American ornamental penmanship from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Highlights from the collection will be on exhibit in the Heritage Room of the Weinberg Memorial Library from Tuesday, Feb. 1, through Monday, April 18.
January 24, 2011

Students and Teachers Receive Rose Kelly Awards

Students at The University of Scranton and their high school teachers who they credit for contributing to their success were recognized at the Rose Kelly Awards ceremony held recently on campus.
January 24, 2011

‘World Affairs Briefings’ Served at Luncheon Series

Area residents will be enlightened during their lunchtime through a program offered by the Schemel Forum at The University of Scranton.
January 24, 2011

Genre, History and Portrait Painter Featured in Gallery Exhibition

From humble beginnings in Honesdale, Pa., the artist Jennie Brownscombe (1850-1936) trained and worked to establish a successful career in New York City and abroad.
January 24, 2011

New York Times Best-selling Author to Speak at The University of Scranton

The University of Scranton’s Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library will present this year’s Royden B. Davis, S.J., Distinguished Author Award to Steve Berry for his best-selling espionage thrillers.
January 17, 2011

University of Scranton Announces Fall 2010 Dean’s List

More than 1,325 students were named to The University of Scranton Dean’s List, which recognizes students for academic excellence during the 2010 fall semester.
January 14, 2011

University of Scranton Announces Spring Events

University of Scranton Announces Spring Events
January 14, 2011

Schemel Forum Bus Trip on Course for New York City Interfaith Exhibition

A collection of 200 rare and precious works created over the past 1,500 years highlights a visit to the New York Public Library exhibition, “Three Faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.”
January 7, 2011

Donations and Volunteers Sought for Book Sale

The University of Scranton’s Weinberg Memorial Library is seeking volunteers and accepting book and tag sale donations for its annual spring book and plant sale on April 30 and May 1.
January 7, 2011

Schemel Forum Courses Discuss the Impact of Politics, Film and the Bible on Culture

What do the Bible and the Golden Age of Italian cinema have in common with current American media and literature?
January 3, 2011

Students Recognized for Academic Achievement at The University of Scranton

Students at The University of Scranton were recently recognized for outstanding academic achievement at an awards ceremony held on campus.
January 3, 2011

Inspiring Poet Returns for Education for Justice Lecture

As part of its 2010 – 2011 Education for Justice theme of peace and reconciliation, The University of Scranton will welcome Carolyn Forché — an award-winning poet, essayist and human rights activist — for a lecture on Wednesday, Feb. 16.
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